I woke up at 5:30AM today in an attempt to get one at a local mall. If you care to read some funny stuff, read my chat log below. I didnt get one, but the experience was unreal. People get crazy when it comes to getting 3 and 4 grand on ebay (we all know that's where they're mostly going :lol
[10:04] KRISPF3: ok, so i pull into the mall parking area at 5;45
[10:04] KRISPF3: and i see in front of me, near where the people were initially camping out, there's a couple of lines
[10:04] KRISPF3: so i get out of the car and have a look around. apparently people are shouting "this is the official line HERE"
[10:05] KRISPF3: and then others rebut with "no HERE is the line"
[10:05] KRISPF3: so im like hahaha retards, and i get back into the car and call mall security to confirm that there is indeed no real line and its every man for himself
[10:05] KRISPF3: and sure enough, im correct
[10:06] KRISPF3: so i head over to the area where my calculations showed that i had the greatest chance of getting a unit
[10:06] KRISPF3: and on the street level, there are about 100 people all balled together into a mass
[10:06] KRISPF3: blacks, asians with diamond earrings
[10:06] KRISPF3: and fat white chicks
[10:07] KRISPF3: so i go upstairs and i talk to the asshole guard who tells me that every location opens at once
[10:07] KRISPF3: so im like yeah ok
[10:07] KRISPF3: and i go back and wait in the car
[10:07] KRISPF3: the time was about 6:15
[10:07] KRISPF3: and after a few false alarms
[10:07] KRISPF3: i decide its best for me to wait upstairs and be ready
[10:07] KRISPF3: time was about 7 am
[10:08] KRISPF3: we get a couple of retarded fat guards shouting 'single file!!" etc, and of course the rebuttal from the angry mob was "go eat some tacos fatty"
[10:08] KRISPF3: and while i was waiting, this dude with a handlebar mustache walks by
[10:09] KRISPF3: and this one kid was like haha great mustache, you steal that from borat? VERY NIIICE, HIGH FIVE
[10:09] KRISPF3: so i was lolling like nonstop b/c angry mobs are awesome
[10:09] KRISPF3: finally, it's like 7:56, and they're supposed to open all doors at 8
[10:09] KRISPF3: and everyone's getting really insane
[10:10] KRISPF3: so the guard unlocks the door and waves us in after standing back
[10:10] KRISPF3: only one door was open, and immediately it was a jam in the threshold
[10:10] KRISPF3: one girl had her face smashed
[10:11] KRISPF3: i almost lost an arm lol, but after 15 seconds of remaining completely jammed in the door area, i broke free
[10:11] KRISPF3: and it was chaos
[10:11] KRISPF3: i ran like i never ran before, finally making it to the store
[10:11] KRISPF3: about 15th in line
[10:11] KRISPF3: people were jumping off of escalators
[10:11] KRISPF3: a kid lost his shoe
[10:11] KRISPF3: an ambulance came
[10:11] KRISPF3: just chaos
[10:12] KRISPF3: and so, i thought i had a chance
[10:12] KRISPF3: until i see the line going in the other direction
[10:12] KRISPF3: about 200 peeps on my end
[10:12] KRISPF3: and about 250 on the other
[10:12] KRISPF3: and the question was, who gets first dibs?
[10:12] KRISPF3: we all soon find out that sony and simon malls in fact did something they werent supposed to
[10:13] KRISPF3: and the people who camped out were already in the locked store checking out
[10:13] KRISPF3: even though they werent allowed on the property
[10:13] KRISPF3: they somehow were allowed
[10:13] KRISPF3: and thus, they sold out
[10:13] KRISPF3: however!
[10:13] KRISPF3: a rep comes out and says theyre giving out preorder reserve slips
[10:13] KRISPF3: which dont guarantee a system, release date, etc
[10:13] KRISPF3: so they were fucking worthless
[10:14] KRISPF3: but people figured since they were there for hours, they didnt want to leave empty handed
[10:14] KRISPF3: so this one chick in a pink vest out of nowhere cuts the line, about 50 people, straight to the front
[10:14] KRISPF3: and everyone went crazy
[10:14] KRISPF3: just insanity
[10:15] KRISPF3: so the mall manager says that's it, get out everyone
[10:15] KRISPF3: this is a riot now
[10:15] KRISPF3: and the police come in
[10:15] KRISPF3: and start escorting people out
[10:15] KRISPF3: people were filming the whole scene
[10:15] KRISPF3: and they were being told to shut the cameras off
[10:15] KRISPF3: finally, after cursing at the guards and officers
[10:15] KRISPF3: everyone left in a fit of rage
angry mobs. Funny experience nontheless.