
When I was talking about plugins I actually meant classes or modules. Like the current system, but with stricter rules.
The system shouldn't have pre-defined platforms like it has right now, but things like video_ogl, video_ogles, video_gx, .. as you could just mix w/e you need for one platform (Just see how similar most systems are.. Pandora only needed its own renderer while its fine with something like input_sdl (which is input_pc right now)).

I also had a look at the current stage format but I would like to modify it even more.
I'm currently busy writing my own stage code (based on the existing one to some degree) which also accepts "stage options" (numeric values, strings, colors, ..).
These options could be used to load the current stage format for example, creating some backwards compatibility or for more powerful and artistic things like light colors of the stage.

OBJ as model format sounds fine to me (even if I'm not a friend of text formats, I like binary stuff more). I think its best if the mesh class would have a pointer where the renderer could store its own private data, then callback the renderer when a model is initialized, modified or unloaded so it can update the private data (a list with drawcalls, compiled mesh, padded vertices, .. whatever the renderer needs).
In the most simple case the game would request a "test.obj" which is parsed, the renderer gets the data passed in, changes its private data pointer to point to the raw data read from the file, the renderer would then use the immediate rendering to draw the mesh at runtime (like it does right now).
In an optimized case the renderer would be notified about new data from "test.obj", compile a vertexbuffer, generate the drawcalls and optimize the mesh structure, unload the raw data (unless the raw data are supposed to be readable / changeable afterwards) and only keep the mesh in the private data for fast rendering.

The same should happen for textures. Right now the renderer (video_pc.cpp for example) has to load the PNG file on its own while it would make much more sense to load the PNG in a texture class, then tell the renderer that a texture should be prepared for rendering.

- The song sometimes starts that soon after loading that I miss notes
I've seen it quit before I can play the last note.
Quit is easy to explain, it quits when the music stops. Guess your last note was not in the music.
The wrong start is strange, I never had that...

How about waiting for the last midi note or just waiting a bit after the song has stopped?
The wrong start doesn't seem to happen anymore. However one thing I noted is that the loading bar sometimes has a duck in it, is that intended (

video_pandora.cpp is still REALLY dirty, I already started to clean it up, but there are still some stupid things in it. It should just stay where it is for now ;)
However, are you on IRC or MSN so we can discuss design questions?
The duck is an Easter egg :P don't worry about it.

And I get your plugin system now. Guess that would be a good way to go. The new Makefiles should make that easy. Was not needed before because there was just Wii and PC, which has difference in everything.

If you are going to change stuff on the stages, take a look at it contains a lot of information about special effects contained in the midi file.

OBJ was a simple selection, almost every piece of 3D software exports them and they are very easy to read. And not using binary formats skips the endian problem ;)

Waiting for the last note as well as the audio ending sounds like an idea.

EDIT: Btw, I'm no longer on MSN due to... issues. But you can find me on irc. Best bet would be at (I hang out on that server for other channels, but those are dutch)
Looks great! After looking at the Wiki, am I safe to assume that FoF songs more or less work with this? And as you say you're a GH3 fan, would it be possible to make a GH3 theme? Obviously not included with the game, but as a separate download...
Anyway, it's pretty awesome that you've got so much working already. I realize that without an actual controller the game isn't quite the same, but for those without one I was thinking of a control scheme for the Pandora. Perhaps the L/left/down/right/R buttons for the frets, and the lower action button for strumming? IIRC the dpad/gaming buttons don't have the two-button restriction that the keyboard has, and this way the only combinations you couldn't really hit would be left/right at the same time. Without a Pandora in my hands I'm not really sure how that'd feel, but it's just one idea...
Good luck!
@Tensuke, I haven't found a FoF song that hasn't worked.

The problem I see with your key configuration is that the second and fourth fret are commonly used together. I'd suggest L/left/up/X/Y and R for strumming, or something similar to that.
I could have a go at gfx if you tell me what kinda things you're looking for?
Mr.Confuzed said:
@Tensuke, I haven't found a FoF song that hasn't worked.
I have two songs that don't work. 99% of the songs are saved as 44.1kHz OGG files, but some saved at different sample rates, and GuitarsOnFire does not cope with that :P

Nova said:
I could have a go at gfx if you tell me what kinda things you're looking for?
Well, I gave the notes a nice update for the next version. (I'll try to make a nice screenshot)
But what I really could use are some nice stages or even menu gfx. Right now the menus are pretty plain and boring, but I can go in any direction with those. There is this fire effect in the background, and it's only there for 1 real reason. Some TVs see black as no picture and start switching between different screen modes because of it. So with a proper background on the menus I could remove it.

I follow a very simple rule on this. I use what I have, I don't beg for things. And if people create something I will do my very best to add it. Don't worry about the details/formats/sizes. Create something that looks awesome and you will make the game look awesome ;)
(Take notice of the "create", I won't accept stuff ripped from the official GuitarHero/Rockband games)
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I guess a status update wouldn't hurt.

I've revamped the input system, this should allow for better configurable Pandora support.
I've revamped some of the video system, mainly the texture and model support. The new models are textured and look a bit better. This will require some changes in the port by JayFoxRox, but nothing I cannot handle.

The network code has gotten a few updates, but that's preparation for bigger things. Like downloadable songs/stages/mods.
Added a 'mod' feature which allows users to change the looks of the game without overwriting the default game files.

Working on stuff like starpower and new gametypes. But this code is a mess and it will take a bit of time.