Guide: Screenshots

GuSec said:
It would be strange however, to assign the same path to all cards read and written through the same slot, wouldn't it?

Well that's what it does currently. Ed wants to change it by default to the name of the card.
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That's what i need :) Thank you. I have modify the script a little bit. So it takes all 25 seconds a screenshot. So i can take screenshots from the inside of any emulator or other programm. It's not a perfect solution, but it works fine ;)

Here is it:
while [ $i -le 25 ]
sleep 25
fbgrab ~/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png
notify-send screen $i
i=`expr $i + 1`

Is there any application that will control the led?
I really don't understand what's wrong with using SD1 and SD2 as sensible mount points for the SD cards. I mean, from an end user's perspective, that's surely the easiest to understand?
Pleng said:
I really don't understand what's wrong with using SD1 and SD2 as sensible mount points for the SD cards. I mean, from an end user's perspective, that's surely the easiest to understand?

Wasn't designed by end users was it?

Coders often forget the human aspect of the stuff they make. It's pretty easy to do when your mind is wrapped up in abstracts, algorithms and data structures.

The delayed script looks pretty cool too. Why not have both scripts and map them to different keys? You gotta love Linux.

Want me to add it to the end of my guide? That may be a good idea in general: 'user gallery of scripts'. I need some Tony Hart music.
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Hi all,

even in times of changing mountpoints we can set an SD card as the target for the screenshots with something like (untested!):

MOUNTPOINT = `mount | grep /dev/mmcblk0p1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
(this gives the mountpoint path of the first SD card's first partition)

And we can also let the script create the directory if it doesn't exist:

mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT"/Screenshots

Maybe we should add some error handling, in case the card is not inserted at all (with fallback to NAND maybe) etc.

Linux is flexible enough!

BTW: Great idea to assign a hotkey to a screenshot script!

SomeGuy99 said:
Now one final thing

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BTW it's quite hard to draw in xournal (at least for me). Drawing in ts_test is much easier. So I'm looking for another sketching tool.
Vitel said:
BTW it's quite hard to draw in xournal (at least for me). Drawing in ts_test is much easier. So I'm looking for another sketching tool.
Thanks for reminding me of Xournal, though I might have gotten a bit too carried away :P :
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MasterLinux said:
That's what i need :) Thank you. I have modify the script a little bit. So it takes all 25 seconds a screenshot. So i can take screenshots from the inside of any emulator or other programm. It's not a perfect solution, but it works fine ;)

Here is it:
while [ $i -le 25 ]
sleep 25
fbgrab ~/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png
notify-send screen $i
i=`expr $i + 1`

Is there any application that will control the led?

I've bin having a bash at this script but with no joy joy. Anyone else managed to get this working?
All I get from the terminal when attempting to run it via "./" is the message "Bash: /bin/bash^M:Bad Interpreter :no such file or directory" or thereabouts, as I cant wrestle my kid off Charlie Blast's Territory to re-check it, as I just lost my prior post. :)

Would be a handy script to hotkey.
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Chaser said:
is the message "Bash: /bin/bash^M:Bad Interpreter :no such file or directory"
Editing the script on Windows I guess :P
try a dos2unix on your script (not sure if that is avail on the pandora)
Else edit it directly on your P. :P
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sebt3 said:
Chaser said:
is the message "Bash: /bin/bash^M:Bad Interpreter :no such file or directory"
Editing the script on Windows I guess :P
try a dos2unix on your script (not sure if that is avail on the pandora)
Else edit it directly on your P. :P
:huh: I guess I'm too linux'd. I couldnt even guess that it might be with windows line endings, even though it is obvious now. (I actually just skimmed "no such file or directory"...)
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Cheers for the help . I had copied the script on my laptop then over to the panda, as I cant seem to highlight sometimes and forgot to redo it afresh. All sorted now and writing to sd directories, very useful ty all :)
Chaser said:
I've bin having a bash at this script but with no joy joy. Anyone else managed to get this working?
All I get from the terminal when attempting to run it via "./" is the message "Bash: /bin/bash^M:Bad Interpreter :no such file or directory" or thereabouts, as I cant wrestle my kid off Charlie Blast's Territory to re-check it, as I just lost my prior post. :)

Would be a handy script to hotkey.

The ^M indicates that you seem to have saved the script with a Windows editor or something like that, because the line endings are not Linux compliant (CR/LF instead of LF only).
Try to convert the file somehow. Maybe load it into a Linux editor which is capable to recognize CR/LF correctly and save it again. I am not sure if e.g. nano does that correctly.

Or use a Windows editor such as Notepad++ which can be configured to save with LF line endings.

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SomeGuy99 said:
Oh well. I thought dumping a script into /usr/bin was bad form. Thanks for correcting me :)

I edited all my guides anyway.

Actually, it is bad form to dump anything in /usr/bin, since it is supposed to contain executables (and scripts) installed by the package manager; the best place for such a script would be either /usr/local/bin (/usr/local is for anything installed from sources or otherwise not using package managers) or somewhere in home, e.g. ~/bin
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I hope you don't mind SomeGuy99, but I have included your snapsnap script in the default scripts for my pndhotkey utility, which I posted here.

I think that it will work inside a full-screen game/emulator even under minimenu with this system, but any feedback to the contrary would be appreciated.