Gta:lcs Running On V1.5 Psp


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
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talk about poetic justice.

it has been done

MPH has cracked the uncrackable

the day after i post my PSP to the ebay auction winner i come across this gem of information

GTA:LCS can now be run on a PSP with a 1GB Memory Stick card.

I could have been playing GTA today, god dammit the world hates me.
Was there any information about how it was achieved or how functional it is? because some of the 2.0 games require cracks or removing certain parts of the game like music and cinema.
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on Feb 23 2006 at 09:10 PM said:
I heard it only works for about 10 minutes

Seems the original release had a timer in there , but someone quickly hacked that out and it no longer has any limitation on there :-)

Also some posts about people getting other 2.0 only games to run on 1.5 using the same methods.
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if you know your psp shizzle you will know to check various sources

by just checking the pspupdates and main sites and forums i found everything i needed and patches to remove the time limit.
Is this just for the ISO or the UMD as well?

I heard about it last night but it still had the time limit so I didn't bother.

This is pretty cool I haven't used any ISOs since I upgraded to play the GTA UMD and my 2gig card was just sitting there doing nothing.
Iorgy77 posted on Feb 23 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
Is this just for the ISO or the UMD as well?
ISO only which sucks a bit 'cause I'd like to use my UMD with it. But at least the loads are blazing fast from MS. :)
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spray posted on Feb 23 2006 at 08:06 PM said:
I could have been playing GTA today, god dammit the world hates me.
You could have played GTA aytime by BUYING it.

And yes, the world does hate people who would rather wait for a crack half a year long instead of spending an adequate amount of money to play a game.
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