My Psp Review!

well the screen on the gp2x has a better response time but the viewing angle on the psp's screen is gorgeous and the screen itself is so fucking nice. better controls... well not really. i think both system suck when it comes to controls. the psp's dpad is not very good and the gp2x's joystick could also be better (i.e. clicky gp32 joystick!!!)

but the community here is great! i don't want to miss that!
i think the psp control is bloody awful, much worse than the psp.

man where is DAVE C when you need him, not seen that fellow for a while now.
sensible GP32 said:
i think the psp control is bloody awful, much worse than the psp.

What? :unsure:

Perfect handheld controls in my opinion is Gameboy micro and its excellent d-pad (the DS lite d-pad is very similar but not quite as good). But for me, I can actually do diagonals on GP2X. Particular ones are almost impossible without trying very hard on the PSP.
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shinneri said:
Perfect handheld controls in my opinion is Gameboy micro and its excellent d-pad
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sensible GP32 said:
i think the psp control is bloody awful, much worse than the psp.

man where is DAVE C when you need him, not seen that fellow for a while now.
Here, but what to say. He likes the PSP better, many do. Screen ghosting and the fuzzy screen stretch filtering don't bother him, so have fun.

MY GP2X controls blow away the PSP but then again I have a D-pad mod ;)
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Guys, don't worry about stretching. Most emulators let you set the video to full scale 4*3. I have yet to see a psp emulator without that option. And the psp screen is just breath-taking. You can fit a gameboy micro on top of the screen (micro a few mm wider though). It is extremely bright and has a wide viewing angle. The gui is intuitive and easy to use. And the controls are not a problem...for emulation. Sure they may be weird when playing commercial games, but I actually prefer using the analog nub instead of the dpad when playing earthbound ( which runs fullspeed with sound and no frameskip on SNESTYL ). The games are beautiful and it can actually run mario 64 and star fox 64 amazingly well. I prefer the sound off when using the Daedelus emulator, it is kind of choppy. It also has pretty good internet surfing with its internal browser and wifi. It is also rechargeable and has around the same battery life as the gp2x for emulation. I got around 6 hours today and there was 20 minutes of battery life left when I decide to charge it. It also has fullspeed video and very adequate audio playback.

There is only one problem for me, though - you always, ALWAYS have to have to have a good way of protecting the precious screen from fingerprints and scratches.

TelcoLou said:
:gp2x + USB joypad for the victory!! :P
Yeah, if every GP2X were recompiled with USB joypad support...
I wouldn't mind keyboard support for the proppriate emulators either.
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