Gpx2 German Portal


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, I'm thinking I'm setting up German Portal about the gpx2, including a german forum.
The forum has been setup and though it's not yet officially open (and it currently has the standard graphics ;)), all german speaking guys are allowed to join it already :)
Just head over to

Note to all the worried people on this board:
Nope, I won't leave this board here. I'm just setting up a german board for all the guys who don't (or barely) understand english :)

I won't quit anyone here :)
nice idea! had this one too...
when you need help with it later (newsposting, forum moderator) and so on, i would really like to help.
I have preordered a GPX2 so i will be with it from beginning and i was in the gp32 scene from almost the beginning and have quite a bit knowledge about linux (might be usfull for the GPX2). (und spreche natürlich Deutsch)
Bad Idear!
Divideing the scene in different languege groups is bad, you see that allready with gpzigi/gp32spain, when you ahve a small user bse its better to keep it all on one international site than splitting it in many small languege specific ones.
perhaps same site with english/german/france/spain language (so we need translators) and what is to say against a support forum in different languages.
Don't worry, most English speaking users will be here.
I'm also here, though a German GP32 board exists for years.

Usually, you hang around where most of the folk is, which is definately here.
But if you don't speak any English, you can post there.

It's not dividing into different languages, it's giving the chance to non-English-Speakers to talk about the system

There also are French GP32-boards, where guys like Drumaster, Aquafish or JyCet talk... still, they also hang around here.
Maybe each of the non-English speaking forums could have an English speaking 'representitive', who can be identified by a logo under their avatar.

Then any questions that the non-English speakers want to ask can be posed by the representitives on their behalf.

Just an idea at 2am... zzz
I've seen sites that have multiple languages on one forum and it always degenerates into a cluster of confusion, turf warring and bad feelings because people cross over from one language section to another too easily and cause missunderstandings.
its just good if you use this board for translations of newz, that only-germany-speaking people (does those people life in germany!? ) can talk there. or use it als support forum for these people if they don't understand an nfo/readme or so...

i also could make an GP Section at for this.
Vimacs posted on Aug 2 2005 at 12:57 AM said:
Bad Idear!
Divideing the scene in different languege groups is bad, you see that allready with gpzigi/gp32spain, when you ahve a small user bse its better to keep it all on one international site than splitting it in many small languege specific ones.
yes, I agree, why cant they speak english?, even I can speak english!
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I agree that most of the german gp32 owners can speak english, but it's easier to express yourself in your mother tongue, and also, to many people I know, entering a forum of english speaking people would be too much of an effort, so gogo evildragon :)
And I do not believe that's gonna divide the scene, because, as ED said, you "hang around where most of the folk is" .

btw: may I be the first candidate for the german forum represantive (or representative? .... Repräsentant :D )?

EDIT: I'm T045TBR0T in the gpx2 forum, Nilsiboy is an old and (in my opinion) stupid name ;)
Nilsiboy posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:10 AM said:
I agree that most of the german gp32 owners can speak english, but it's easier to express yourself in your mother tongue, and also, to many people I know, entering a forum of english speaking people would be too much of an effort, so gogo evildragon :)
And I do not believe that's gonna divide the scene, because, as ED said, you "hang around where most of the folk is" .

btw: may I be the first candidate for the german forum represantive (or representative? .... Repräsentant :D )?

EDIT: I'm T045TBR0T in the gpx2 forum, Nilsiboy is an old and (in my opinion) stupid name ;)

PM hando and he'll change t if you ask nicely
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Vimacs posted on Aug 2 2005 at 01:57 AM said:
Bad Idear!
Divideing the scene in different languege groups is bad, you see that allready with gpzigi/gp32spain, when you ahve a small user bse its better to keep it all on one international site than splitting it in many small languege specific ones.

The "small" gp32spain user base is made up of more than 11000 registered users, while in this international forums there aren't more than 5000 users (if I'm not wrong).

Although german people seem to have an amazing ability to speak the english language perfectly, I'm quite sure it's easier for them to use their mother tongue, and there are quite a few german gp32 users, and the number of them will keep growing with the gpx2... why not create a specific german forum?

In fact, it sometimes gets confusing when people try to speak english without having any idea how to do it, and they might sound rude or unpolite or something just because they couldn't say what they really meant (resulting in massive flaming- I'm talking from my own experience).

However, no_skill is right when he says that it's better when you have everything in just one place... anyway whatever you do, im sure it'll be good.
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