Gpx2 Contents Policy


Sep 2, 2002

Greetings. This is Gamepark Holdings.

With much anticipation from our customers, we've come to a decision to release an info for our contents policy.

1. Open license
Our main position on GPX2 contents development is by open license.
It is to give developing tool to anyone for free and allow people to develope, distribute without limitations as long as they do not charge money for it.
If they wish to distribute it with charge, the distribution will be through our GPH website and profit of it will be distributed to the developer. This is to profit both developer, and give affordable contents to users.

2. Licensed games.
We're contacting European developers at the moment for official GPX2 games. We will let you know of the progress late september, and make an official announcement.

3. Game emulators.
We're not developing them in-house. But we're getting immensive amount of help from development communities internationally, and we'll sort it out and give you clearer picture on it on september.

4. Educational videos
For Educational*1 programs and videos, we're concentrating at the moment for Lingual studies. We will also make an official announcement regarding it in early October.

Thank you for your interest, and we will keep trying our best to make the best machine we can.


*1 This was their tactics back in GP32 so students can convince their parents to buy them a GP32, because a typical Korean parents will never buy you anything related to a video game. :D

Just on a side note, it's just been decided that the DMB service in Korea will be free nation-wide. That means with DMB chip on-board, XGP will be DMB ready TV out of the box. Korean people seem to be more intrigued in XGP by that.

Not so sure if it's just the terrestial line or both with settelite.

Sounds good, especially the confirmation of the open license toward homebrew. And a few good GPX2 games would be cool.

Thanks polooo2.
You might have to learn korean first to learn japanese since it'd likely be an educational app for Koreans more than it would be English speakers. :P
two languages too much for you, back in my day you had to learn 6 at once and one of those was Klingon.
Cyclops posted on Aug 30 2005 at 09:43 PM said:
two languages too much for you, back in my day you had to learn 6 at once and one of those was Klingon.

I picked up on Vulcan so I can mate with hot Vulcan chicks. :D
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It's been my long held belief that if it werent for Women, no man wouldever bother to learn another language... my theory is proven more and more accurate every day. :D
well then I must be a special case because I chose to learn German just for the simple fact that I like foreign languages... and for some reason, trying to translate and understand... and being successful at doing both... fascinates the hell out of me... it's like "hey, look at what I can do!!! YAY, ME!!!! Also, I specifically chose German because I have German ancestry... and it sounds cool compared to a lot of other languages, especially spanish(GOD, I HATE SPANISH!!!!), which was my only other option in highschool... and I'll be damned if I was about to buy some damn language learning CD set or anything like that.
Alpha2 posted on Aug 30 2005 at 11:30 PM said:
It's been my long held belief that if it werent for Women, no man wouldever bother to learn another language... my theory is proven more and more accurate every day. :D

Oh, I would expand on that theory... If it weren't for women, no man would do much of anything except eat, sleep and belch. :P
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