
Akuma no Houkon

Certified Guru
Mar 4, 2004
USA > Washington > Everett
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if this is your first game and it only took a few hours - I'm impressed!

used to play this with my little sister when we were travelling, forgot all about it until now

==:TO DO:==
Add "AI" skill levels (easy,normal, hard)
Allow user to select between Small, Normal, and Large grids.
Add music
Replace Graphics with nice ones.

:D the ai is a bit silly sometimes when it gives away squares easily.
:D what about a 2 player option? could be fun?
:D also how about adding the option to randomize some lines on the board when you start so you don't have to build up the lines from nothing.....?

:D and I disagree with changing the graphics, they're perfect! I thought it looked very professional

thanks for this, it's got a permanent home on my smc!!
Awesome work man! The only things I'd change if it where me:

- maybe the background
- maybe make the light color in the middle of the lines a little darker
- put the score in side a box so it's easier to see(or maybe just to dress up the interface a little)
- a few sounds just so it isnt dead silent
- and make the cursor jump to the end of the completed line (or atleast a choice between the two line methods)

But like I said that's just my opinion, you did a great job regardless!
Yeah the AI is a bit silly, I mentioned that in the read me, but its good enough to give a slight challange and still be fun I didnt spend that much time on it...

All of the other suggestions you guys have made are planned except 2 player...I cant test 2 player with 1 GP32... (unless you wanted it to play 2 player using the same GP32...)

As I said in the read me, my todo's are :
  • Add Sounds
    Add 3 board sizes (sometimes that large board is just too much)
    Better AI
(also yes I plan to put the scores in boxes so they are easier to see)
And finally
  • Replace graphics (those took me about 5 minutes and use a total of about 6 colors lol) and the background is a simple floodfill texture in PSP. (really cant draw to save my life) If _anyone_ wants to create better graphics and/or a nicer background feel free! Just make sure you use the same template for everything (preferably the default 8bit palette for GP32). And email them to me. :)
    (also if anyone wants to draw a nice fancy title screen and title menu...well ill add them too :)) Note that if I use your graphics you _will_ get mentioned in game and in the read me. :)
All in all Glad you guys liked it, I have other projects in the works I just whipped this one up last night because I was bored and needed to take my mind off of my other projects. Have fun, ill make another post once I eventually make all those additions.
Hi Akuma,

nice game. The only thing that needs changing is the line colors.
Not the colors themselves, but the size of them. Because of the white
line inside it is pretty difficult to distinguish between blue and red.

Also, I made a title screen.


The background is changable, if blue and red are too extreme.

If you like it, use it.

I love this!! :)

this is such a great start :) and I agree with all above criticism (especially the AI and colour thing :P)

just some other ideas:

- a time mode where you have 5 seconds or so to make a move?
- a slight delay on the cpu would be more..; realistic perhaps :)

feel free to ignore though ;)
Great work CeNTauR2, I like the 2nd one better (although the first one with the more pronounced cracks is nice too...) About the blue+red does look a bit much on the PC, I havent tried to look at it on the GP32 screen yet, I think a solid white would look better personally, what do the rest of you think?

Also, if you could add add a menu to that? without covering up the nice title... (probably alphablended or transparent menu so you can see the nice title behind it...) or put it on the bottom right corner or "somthing" im not an artist so I dont know, one that says:



I am working on the other features today in my free time and will make a new release once I have finished all the features and upgraded all the graphics, so stay tuned.

great that you like it too.

Here is a black only version. Just let me know what else you need,
and I will do it next wekk tuesday.

