Gpsp With Ginge : Can't Start A Game


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008

I finally manage to take time to dump my gba bios (never done even if I had everything needed for years ...) So I can now start gpSP !!

I can browse to my rom but it crash when trying to load.
Log say :
wiz_load_gamepak: open failed: Operation not permitted

help ?
Funny thing...
Minish Cap doesn't work for me either.
So maybe it's some weird incompatibility with that rom?
I encountered a similar issue with the Gpsp version that's bundled with GINGE in PND form. Unfortunately I never managed to get it to boot any games, but one piece of advice I was given was to try running the game unzipped if it's zipped, or vice-versa if it's not. All I can suggest is to try that. :P
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Prometheus said:
I encountered a similar issue with the Gpsp version that's bundled with GINGE in PND form. Unfortunately I never managed to get it to boot any games, but one piece of advice I was given was to try running the game unzipped if it's zipped, or vice-versa if it's not. All I can suggest is to try that. :P
Sadly, as I remembered that discution, so I tried whithout luck :(
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It's probably a wrong BIOS.

The one you want has the following md5sum:


No others will probably work.
Having the wrong BIOS will probably just make a few games fail, not all of them.. unless it's just a bunch of garbage bits.
EvilDragon said:
It's probably a wrong BIOS.

The one you want has the following md5sum:


No others will probably work.
My bios does have this MD5.
And finally manage to get it to work : I've recompressed my rom to zip (done on pandora btw)
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^ Now that's worth knowing! I'll give that a try with mine, too - thanks for that info. :)
Zipping the roms on the pandora itself fixed the problem!

Now is there anyway to specify the default rom path?