Gpmadmp3 V0.9 Released

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert_John_Shepherd
  • Start date Start date

Thanks once more for the great improvements with this new version of gpmadmp3.
There are too many options and now I have to get used to all the control combinations :)
Regarding some crackling sound - I heard clicking on MP3s which were coded at 96kbps / 44khz with the player cranking at 133Mhz. If you reduce the clock setting to 66Mhz clicking disappears.
If you are listening to 128kbps / 44khz files there is no noticeable clicking, even at 133Mhz clock speed.
So it looks like sound cracking is not a problem on the equalizer, but on the operation of the player on 133Mhz and with certain encoding options...

Instead of cramming everything into one single screen you opted for multiple screens - brilliant!

Kudos for the implementation of all other functions - Clip protection is great! The graphics implementation of the prescan progress was great also. You are really good with interfacing and this is rere to see with programmers.

Regarding saving - it did not seem to work for me. After reset, everything came back to the default options.

EDIT: It did work after a freed some space on the SMC - I had 0 bytes left - Doh. However, when rebooting the player goes bonkers, blinking until it eventually reboots.

Finally - track transition is almost perfect, with one track playing right after the other. I just noticed that when the next track pre-loads there is a clicking sound. This actually happened also on the last version of the player.

Keep up the superb work. Can't wait for the next version!
The flashing when you do the reboot combo is to let you know you've done it. Unfortunately there is a bug in the SMC code which is making writes take AGES, 4 seconds or so for 46 byte, which isn't normal. :)

That is why it takes so long to reboot, but the flashing is just there to let you know its going to reboot. It's intentional, but when this bug is tracked down in the SMC code, the reboot will obviously be a lot quicker.

As for all the clicking, I have no idea where this is coming from, for me it only happens at the start of the first track and when you go forward or back a track, and sometimes on a pause. At these times the code is reiniting the sound hardware, something I might be able to fix at a later date.

Any other clicking is news to me, and hasn't happened on anything I've tested. :/

Unless someone sends me an mp3 it occurs on I'm not sure I can look into it either.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! People's interest always helps to spur development.
been using it for quite a while, and my one concern is that the button combo's are really hard to learn :P maybe you could include a help menu that lists them when u press a key or two keys?
Nice work in this mate. Legend.

..but i agree with the post above, about there being a screen which shows all the button combinations.

Also mash mods should do a mod fitting better speakers, hehe

Apart from that i really cant fault it, Cheers!
I appreciate the button learning is a pain, and I have considered for sometime now putting in a help screen when you hold down select for a few seconds detailing what each does for that particular screen.

It's easy to do, so I will add it at some point. Also will add scrolling to the playlist so you can move up and down to see what is coming up (or just past) a bit easier. This will become a playlist editor window at some point, although I'm not sure exactly how.

Also since the start one feature I was toying with was incorporating pclink source, but maybe gpdrive might be possible as the source is available.

Oops, forgot to save the attenuater setting in the options config, will fix that for the next version.

I'll try and recreate the sound problem you mentioned at the weekend.
Veeery good. I use this as my standard player.
Please add some cool skin support and a Help-Screen (with the key-combos on it) someday.
Some things you might consider adding:
Auto-Rewind - I realized that my GP32 just stopped playing and thought, the batteries were dead, so I switched it off in my pocket. In reality, only all songs had been played and it did not start them again from the beginning.
Shuffle Mode - A Random Order of songs would rule as I don't want to hear the same song everytime I start it up.
Play(+Lock?)-On-Launch - I would like to set up gpmadmp3 as Auto-Launch in PacRom or Multibios, so that all I would have to do would be to turn on my GP32 in order to listen to music. Right now, I still have to press 'A' and 'AB' to lock the keys.

If you add all these three, I will sell my mp3-player, although it is a little smaller. :)