Gph Is Full Of F*c*in* I*iots

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Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2010
Czech Republic - Jihomoravské kraj
I sent GPH to hell (personal)
Do you want to know why ? Yes ?
Then you can read my story:

I was wondering how powerfull is Wiz.I bought it.It was great thing.
But then, wheep, whiip, dingoo came out !
It really suprised me, "they make consoles very fast" I said.
But after very short time...wheep, pandora came out !
I started to be angry.Have i to sell Wiz and buy pandora ? Or wait for new consoles which will probably come ???
We were in Croatia for one week (this month)
But when we came back home, i wanted to look at, what new software is made for Wiz.
But when i wrote web adress and i looked at my monitor, i saw this:
Wheep, whiip, Caanooooooooooooooo....
Whuap, Zodiac ??!!
WOW ! They are fast ! Too fast !
I will not buy new stuff every month. And i think you won't too.

I bought Nintendo DS Lite...It is solid console, i know nintendo will not make anything better than nintendo ds... It has good emulation, very funny and cool games, STABLE touch screen and 2 displays.

BB, neverending-non-finished-only-emulation-console makers.
"Stupid is as stupid does" :rolleyes:

GP2X F100, GP2X F200, Wiz, Caanoo made by GPH (GamePark Holdings).
Dingoo made by Dingoo Technology (?)
Pandora made by OpenPandora (ED & Craig) don't sell consoles (well, ED yes :P ), but it's only a huge software repository for that handhelds (new & old one).

Oh... and Zodiac, an old gadget made by Tapwave.

GPH are behind the GP2X, Wiz, and Caanoo. They have nothing to do with the Dingoo, or the Pandora.

EvilDragon has just added a Zodiac section to the file archive, but it's not a new console. And it has nothing to do with GPH either.

Enjoy your DS.

[edit] ninja'd.
You do know that gph only made the wiz and caanoo right? dingoo and pandora are not gph product, and I think the wiz was around for about a year already before they release the caanoo
Nintendo actually did the same thing, they release the dsi, then about a year later they release the dsi xl, then not long after, they announce the 3ds :unsure:

Gotta agree that the ds is a solid console though, but so is the wiz, well, I like almost all handheld consoles though :P
Well, you're about to be flamed from here to hell, so I'll explain briefly.

Different companies, you're talking about 3 different companies. This forum is dedicated to all of them, but they're different companies and people just choose which one suits them.
Sounds like a troll.

The Pandora has nothing to do with GPH, nor does the Zodiac. I'd also like to point out that your DS Lite has probably gone through several revision, not counting the new 3D-screen revision. They break homebrew with every upgrade but, obviously, are sensible enough not to break compatibility with their own software. This is no different to every other manufacturer (except the backwards compatibility thing - how's your Linux options on PS? Or your PS1 compatibility?).

Only an idiot would buy everything just because it's only just come out. You buy stuff because you want that particular thing that you're buying. If you've bought something that you've wanted, AND you want the sequel too then you tend to keep both. Anybody who thinks they have to sell one to get the next isn't giving anything they buy enough thought or attention.

And if you're buying an emulation gadget it is, by definition, to keep playing the games you were always playing so it's not like you're sacrificing things. You've bought the device to play games that stopped being made/updated 20 years ago. Whether you play them on PC, GP32 or Pandora, they'll be the same game. You'd only upgrade to get a new game running that you REALLY wanted to play, in which case you've upgraded to PLAY THAT GAME, not because the copyright/patent date on the back of the machine is one year further forward.

If you want a fashion item, you please yourself. The rest of us just want to buy something that has a stated capability and we're happy when that capability is fulfilled, no matter what handheld that happens to be on. If you were stupid enough to buy into the upgrade-hype, or stupid enough to buy an emulation device when you don't want emulation, or stupid enough to think that each successive generation will somehow emulate your games better, you're an idiot.
Hmmm...what should we feed the troll today? Hey MilloCz what do you like to eat?
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