GPFight not worth 16 bucks imho


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2003
im sure people shopping at joygp right now are wondering if they should ditch out the price of 2 games for gpfight and in my honest opinion i think gpfight is crap, you want gpfight? go get a nes emulator and double dragon, its just about the same thing and boy is it ever slow paced I seriously deleted it thats how bad I think that game is.

Now little wizard...that is a tight game, I dont know what people were talking about in some reviews i read but the version i downloaded was 100% english and it does not skip frames so I dont know what they mean. its a good game
I also received my package of GPFight last weekend. I must say that I'm not impressed by this game. The game mechanics aren't what I thought of. The other characters always run to that position where I am standing.

It's okay to have some challenge but I think the game isn't really fine tuned.

For me it's no big problem, because I enjoy to collect as many GP32 games as I can;-)
To me it looks like a pile of turd - Just get RIVER CITY RANSOM - for the nes (I swear the graphics are nicked from it)
Sorry for my double post there... I had a timeout :/

Golden Axe was a nice arcade game. Anyone know if that came out for PC Engine?
Golden Axe is available for PC-Engine on CDROM.
Yuck. Yuck. YUCk....!! Worst vers. I have ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, PCE often rivaled sega (more often, surpassed) for home translations of their arcade games but this one was atrocious.

There's a single-player version available for SMS, haven't seen it.
Some are in english some aren't in english. also for anyone who's dissapointed with gp fight, how far are you.
Dungeon and Guarder is deffinatley worth a tenner, I have been playing it for weeks and still find it great!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

I also like Dungeon&Guarder, but I also liked Golden Axe on the PCE;-) I know the PCE version wasn't as good as the Mega Drive version but I liked it. I think D&G is worth 10 bucks in my opinion...

As for GPFight I am at the 2nd level (not really far), but I haven't played that much, just about 1 hour till now. I think the game is really frustrating sometimes, when everyone hits you and you have absolutly no chance to escape this. The gameplay isn't balanced!