Gpengine - Back From The Dead? Maybe...

craigix posted on Feb 16 2005 at 08:48 PM said:
As far as I know yeah there might be another release, there was a version with saves but they caused the smc bug.

I know cd support was being worked on etc. but there was not enough cpu time to play the music tracks too (as mp3).

I think reesy wants to look at pcea anyway, so either way there should be some more PCE action sooner or later.


WOW :D so finaly dreams would comes true???? :P

many thanks Craig for these great news :)
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craigix posted on Feb 16 2005 at 08:48 PM said:
As far as I know yeah there might be another release, there was a version with saves but they caused the smc bug.

I know cd support was being worked on etc. but there was not enough cpu time to play the music tracks too (as mp3).

I think reesy wants to look at pcea anyway, so either way there should be some more PCE action sooner or later.


We really don't know if Reesy will do anymore stuff though. He has been away for awhile now because of the job thing. By the time that is sorted out who knows if he will start coding on the GP32 again, the more time that goes by the more things change. By then he may move on to DS or something so I wouldn't count on him doing PC-Engine.

Hopefully if the GPEngine team is still doing anything maybe they will fix the bugs in R-type, Bonk2, Blazing Lazers etc, and make it full speed at fs0.
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DaveC posted on Feb 16 2005 at 08:51 PM said:
We really don't know if Reesy will do anymore stuff though. He has been away for awhile now because of the job thing. By the time that is sorted out who knows if he will start coding on the GP32 again, the more time that goes by the more things change. By then he may move on to DS or something so I wouldn't count on him doing PC-Engine.
Always the pessimist, eh Dave? ;)
Anyway, I donated to Reesy on Friday and his e-mail said he hoped to have a new beta out in a few days.

As for GPEngine being alive again, that would be very nice. :)
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shinneri posted on Feb 17 2005 at 02:35 AM said:
DaveC posted on Feb 16 2005 at 08:51 PM said:
We really don't know if Reesy will do anymore stuff though.  He has been away for awhile now because of the job thing.  By the time that is sorted out who knows if he will start coding on the GP32 again, the more time that goes by the more things change.  By then he may move on to DS or something so I wouldn't count on him doing PC-Engine.
Always the pessimist, eh Dave? ;)
Anyway, I donated to Reesy on Friday and his e-mail said he hoped to have a new beta out in a few days.

As for GPEngine being alive again, that would be very nice. :)

Well, I have seen many projects abandoned and coders leave. After awhile you kind of expect it. So maybe it is being pessimistic, maybe it is being realistic. Anyway hopefully things will work out well.

I know FluBBa was interested in looking at the GP-Engine source maybe to patch it up a bit. The coders of it never gave him the source though so he just returned to doing GBA stuff. Maybe if the GP-Engine guys released the source he could fix it.
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I'm with DaveC this time, if the coders really are still "alive" the easiest and maybe best thing would be to release the source code - so Reesy or (if he doesnt have the time anymore) other coders could also work on it.
Just checking back in, feel a bit dumb as the lasers in Gradius are fine outside of 30fps. Playing at 60fps at 156Mhz is perfect, although obviously save states would now really help. GPEngine is really great, it was actually the first emulator I got to work on my GP32 back in my newbie days so I'd love to see it develop.

Good luck to anyone who takes it on.

Esn posted on Feb 15 2005 at 11:09 PM said:
craigix posted on Feb 15 2005 at 10:15 PM said:

edit: infact how come no one ever misses out the I in skeezix?


Because some names SOUND as if they should be pronounced differently than they're actually written. skee-ziks rolls nicely off the tongue. craig-iks does not. Craig-eks, however does.
I thought it was more because Craigix sounds like a breakfast cereal :)

I must admit I haven't got my hopes up. RF support has been here for a while but no official release made despite the time since the last one. Perhaps new features are being added but black- hasn't released anything for two years, and unless he had a sudden spur of creativity and motivation there would be no reason for him to release another version this late out of the blue.
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Does anyone know where I can get the beta with RF support, or is it private?

Since me and my partner have GP32s and we both love shooting games, it would be amazing to play Aero Busters (or whatever the hell it's called on PC Engine) co-operatively, as opposed to just playing it on Megadrive one player.


Wolfsclaw posted on Feb 17 2005 at 08:43 AM said:
I'm with DaveC this time at if the coders really are still "alive" the easiest and maybe best thing would be to release the source code - so Reesy or (if he doesnt have the time anymore) other coders could also work on it.

Sounds like a good idea, except that It is very doubtful that anyone else would be able to really do anything with it. There are alot of custom ASM routeens in it and would be very difficult for someone else to figure anything out. Sources for many other emus are available. All of FluBBa's emus have the sources to PCAdvance and all of his other enus posted on his board, howcome no one has tried porting those? Because there are very few coders around that can or want to do it I guess.
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devlkore posted on Feb 17 2005 at 10:50 AM said:
Does anyone know where I can get the beta with RF support, or is it private?


sorry but this release is extremly ultra private lol it seems that only less than 10 ppl touch it in real unfortunatly :( but I don't loose hope to see a new release one day :)
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Shirohagen posted on Feb 17 2005 at 09:45 AM said:
Just checking back in, feel a bit dumb as the lasers in Gradius are fine outside of 30fps. Playing at 60fps at 156Mhz is perfect, although obviously save states would now really help. GPEngine is really great, it was actually the first emulator I got to work on my GP32 back in my newbie days so I'd love to see it develop.

Good luck to anyone who takes it on.


Glad to hear I actually guessed one right for once :P

Ahhhh Flubba.... wherefore art thou Flubba??? renounce thy GBA and come to code for the might GP32!!

Or seriously, maybe we ought to start a thread called "Donate to Flubba", and get a bunch of guys to donate some money with an email attached saying "Please bring your great emu's to the GP32!". Money usually does the talking that no mere mouth can. And if not, we put a horses head at the foot of his bed while he sleeps.... MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
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bast525 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 03:21 PM said:
Shirohagen posted on Feb 17 2005 at 09:45 AM said:
Just checking back in, feel a bit dumb as the lasers in Gradius are fine outside of 30fps. Playing at 60fps at 156Mhz is perfect, although obviously save states would now really help. GPEngine is really great, it was actually the first emulator I got to work on my GP32 back in my newbie days so I'd love to see it develop.

Good luck to anyone who takes it on.


Glad to hear I actually guessed one right for once :P

Ahhhh Flubba.... wherefore art thou Flubba??? renounce thy GBA and come to code for the might GP32!!

Or seriously, maybe we ought to start a thread called "Donate to Flubba", and get a bunch of guys to donate some money with an email attached saying "Please bring your great emu's to the GP32!". Money usually does the talking that no mere mouth can. And if not, we put a horses head at the foot of his bed while he sleeps.... MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

Great idea although he has expressed absolutely no desire to code for anything but Nintendo hardware. I don't think a few donations will pry him away from the GBA or DS that he loves so much. He posts frequently in the GBA and DS forums, and it looks like he will be coding for DS now. To me the small low res screen of the DS kind of sucks but he likes it so there is where he will stay.
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Jarska333 posted on Feb 22 2005 at 05:23 AM said:
Any good case modders out there? Maybe someone could disquise GP as GBA, to fool him to code for it... It's a perfect plan! :ph34r:

Just stick a Nintendo logo on the GP32 and tell him it is a new system. If only it was that easy. He actually HAS a BLU that he won in a compo. He must not like coding for it though, he likes the sprites and stuff on the GBA/DS I guess which makes coding easier.
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