Nubs/joysticks looks to be the focus over dpad buttoncluster. If in the windsheild-pattern, i would have put them farther in.
Start select is in the wrong arrangement, in the wrong order.
ABXY _and_ alternative ABXY markings, (that are too small to be seen)...? If you think the ABXY prints are optimal, dont do the exact same thing only smaller...
Would get louder speakers with more even frequency if they were up top, and also out of the way of hands.
Small sound element dispersion and big one, like on laptops, is easier than sound element- and sound element+
Symbols look a bit small.
Game Pad Digital. looked better, but i dont think the name is that good. "Digital Data Device 3D" is the best i could come up with.
Steam-controller and pandora-influence by the looks of it.