GpCinema for free!!??

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ARE YOU ASKING FOR WAREZ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
What a strange question on this board.
GP32 warez = GP32 death
And by the way all the GP32 "games" are encrypted for a only 1 GP32 so EVEN IF someone did that you wont be able to use it...

see you ;)
yes i know, but i cant buy this nice proggy. I only want to know if it exist
Um, its ~10 USD if I'm not mistaken and if you can afford a GP32 you can afford $10 more for perfect DivX playback. (BTW most portable DivX players on other handhelds are least 20 USD)
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HI @ all,
my question: Exist a working copy of Gpcinema on net?

because i cant buy it by Entware (only Paypal)

*i dont want to know who the copy of Gpcinema is*
Been a bit harsh on the poor newbie guys, he did say in his original post that he cant use paypal.

Unfortunatly thats tough luck superlefax, there is no other way to get it atm

but really guys, no need to be all high and mighty, he didnt do anything wrong :rolleyes:
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