Gpcine Developed Problem


Still Fresh
Dec 24, 2004
Hey guys. After installing and uninstalling GPcinema twice, I reinstalle dit to watch a new Simpsons movie I have. But now, whenever I start it up, it imediately resets the GP32. Please help!
I think this might be the solution:-

Erase the *.cfg file you have in your GPSYS directory and launch again GP Cinema 2.0.
(Drumaster - Dec 27)
This could mean your movie insn't properly encoded...

mine does that a lot..

try re-encoding it...

I don't know. I only have one and I don't know which version it is. It came with it.
The problem is definately the encoding. Just re-encode it, making sure to do it properly. Once you get the hang of it, it *should* work every time, the only hard part is finding a good balance of framerate, video quality, sound quality, performance, and size.
I had so many problems like this with my old GP32, what firmware are you flashed to? When I changed from the official firmware to Slubman's firmware everything started working!
Also, Movielink might be a good solution, you'll have to redo the audio in virtualdub (Movielink screws something up in it) but it's the best way to get a working movie if virtualdub is too fickle