Launcher??? GP32???


Mar 29, 2003
Hey guys,
I must be the dumbest 1 here, I still can't install free launcher.

when i install it, the freelauncher appears in the games list but when i load it it resets the gp32.

Please, please help me get my emus and that working :(
Few things to check...

Did you download the freelauncher after you registered your own GP32 and used your own logon account?
- reason i ask that is my and my m8 were both on the same machine when we got ours, and installed the freelauncher onto both of them at the same time, not realising it was protected on your registered account... so while mine was working perfectly, his was not running the free launcher... but it wasnt reseting it either.....

Did you format the SMC card originally using the PCLink format function? if you did... try it again :)

Thats the only 2 things i can think of just now, after that id maybe start thinking somethings up with the SMC card, there was a post somewhere else about a way to check it, but not sure myself :(

This is hard stuff, but i think i registered first cos i didn't see the free launcher link for ages.

And I have mp3 working so my smc must be functioning ok i guess.

I will reformat

dl the free launcher again

and install the freelauncher

then am i right in copying my emus into gpmm?
Great!! :lol:

It's all working!!!

Pinball Dreams :D


Gonna try the divx now!!

Thanks for all the help and advice guys, i would have been screwed otherwise? :P
Okay so you've installed free launcher using the PClink install menu, not just by copying it to your SMC, and you've put any FXE files you want it to load in the GPPM directory?