Gp32x Needs A Chat Feature!


Chocobo Tamer needs to have a chat feature so GP32 users can talk about the GP32 whenver they feel like it.

What do you guys think? :)
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diablo2 posted on Jul 27 2004 at 03:28 AM said:
its called irc
No, he means a chat window embedded in the site.

Somehow I think it'll cause more harm than good, but that's just me...

The mods could probably list 500 reasons why it wouldn't pan out, either.
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It's not worth it to put a built in irc client in, but what we could do is make a nice faq for getting to the gp32 channel on efnet, so I guess all that's left is to say all in favor say yay, anyone not in favor say nay :D
I still think we should have an IRC java applet on the site for people who can't install an IRC client at work.
Concidering that there are now over 3000 members I would imagine that there are a decent amount of people looking at this board all the time. I think some sort of chat thing would be a good idea. Some people are totaly cluseless about IRC though so I think a java client that would automaticly connect to the gp32 chanle would be great.
Any porposition for a chat client ? If possible i would like to avoid crappy java applets, but if there is any good just let me know.
Opera has an IRC feature build in you can try that if you want to chat from a browser windows i use it myself and it works pretty good.
I am not a PHP wizard, but these scripts sound interesting... (PHP 4) (PHP 3)

If you wish to see more PHP scripts with IRC chat scripts, check out a hotscript search:

If you wish to take the plunge with Java, take a look at these applets. The free ones seem simple enough for the task at hand: (most of these are IRC clients)

I can test the Java clients on my own webserver, but I'm a PHP newbie and probably screw up the PHP script setup (I've done it before ^^; )
IRC-Chat is only possible by using Java right now. Other things would require the user to download plugins or would cause too much traffic.
generalnmx, if ppl can't install an IRC client at work they won't be able to chat via a java applet either. This is simply because the reason they cannot get on IRC is because of firewalls. Also they wouldn't be able to get onto efnet with a java applet because java applets are only allowed to open a port to the server they reside on.

People just shouldn't be lazy and get an irc client, get their asses onto efnet and go to #gp32 if they really must chat about gp32.
Inopia, CGI:IRC or phpIRC is whatever will happily connect to IRC via the server they are on (which isn't heavily firewalled; it would be on gp32x). This also answers's question. Using Javascript PHP scripts can be virtually realtime and use a lot less traffic, so it is worth considering a PHP-based chat client. It would be easy to install and get a LOT more users to the channel. The only thing I might suggest is setting up a different channel instead, as there will be a lot more newbies coming, a lot less idlers and most importantly hando would actually have some control over the channel, which is currently mostly owned by gp32emu and some coders.
If it were to be on, it should definitely be a different channel, because as Rico says, you couldnt have GuyFawkes (GP32emu) running a chat feature on

I personally think its a great idea, and would nicely complement the already existant IRC channels.

The situation we have at the moment is that general users (ie- non coders) want to ask a Q or just chat, they go to #GP32 but nobody is there, so they go to #GP32dev and get flamed.
This new proposed chat would eliminate this, meaning less hassle for coders and easier chat for general users/ enquiries.
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The problem with making a #gp32x channel is that it will split up the community even more. Right now, #gp32 has dismal participation and attendance. If we were to make a new channel, eventually #gp32 would disappear. I don't think Guyfawkes really considers the channel "his" and would probably be happy to make hando and possibly some of the GP32x mods as #gp32 ops. 80% of the time Guyfawkes ops is just a bot anyway :D

Oh, and a lot of faqs and stuff say to go to #gp32, so people will get confused when GP32Xtreme moves their IRC operations to a different channel.
I never thoght my idea for a chat built into GP32X would get as good as feedback as it has been getting. Hando, mods, what do you guys think, is it a possibility?