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PSyMastR posted on Oct 14 2005 at 03:45 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 13 2005 at 09:35 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on Oct 13 2005 at 10:22 PM said:
I could give a hand with modding the forums if your doing that, as Ive been using IPB for a long time now.
if he's doing it, why would he want to share the glory? ;)
I ment the physical modification of the code, not admin/modding.
anything. he would prolly want to do it all himself ;)
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Here's my mix, v1:

GP32 and friends

Funny, I was just coming here to post this myself. I agree that the site should perhaps be renamed to GPX, though bugger that is taken :(.

Anyway, I have devised a MASCOT obviously based on the linux/open source theme (by being a penguin and all) but hopefully different enough to be of use to the community. He has gaming (X and Y) buttons on the sides of his head, and a headphone socket in the back. The little penguins are evolutions in the design before I got him.

I don't have a name, but if the community likes it, there could be another compo with no prizes to pick the name :) Maybe GPenguinX :)


EDIT: Oh yeah, for a slogan I was thinking along the lines of:
GPxx - gp32 and gpx2 open community
I was gonna have a go, and then i saw the competition.
yes, blender is nice!
nice one zaphire and all!

i'm going to try some 3d logo now too...hey, where can i get the font for the current logo?
Wow... Blender looks amazing. I think with things like this and The GIMP, shareware image-editing software will become a thing of the past! ;)

Horay for open source!
blender is awesome, and completely free(!!!), but i don't think apps like it will take over the commercial will more likely attract more hobbyists and the like.

nice mascot, pea!

here's a quick run at something...fairly crappy heh

shouldn't tilted camera, and used a different font.
guess the name of the gp32 font is Gunship...
Nice mascot pea! Give him two sides though, you know- the cute side and then one with a devious smile. And if you ever give him shoulders make them L and R buttons! And maybe shave an X into his chest? OR just put a regular ol' red X? Just my ideas since I have never touched photoshop, although I would like to fool around with stuff like that.

Nice work guys! Keep churnin' em' out!
Re: blender
You might want to check up on Project Orange, a short movie project by the blender foundation to expand blender and prove that it can support production quality work. The features that they've been adding to support the project (which can be downloaded and experimented with in the latest 2.40 alpha) are really sweet.

Blender was also used to do PreVis on SpiderMan 2 because its so damned fast to get a scene up with it.
ooh, didn't know!

mascot is looking nice, pea, but yeah, the shaved X is too much hehe
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