[Outdated!] GP32x.com will be back soon!

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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

skeezix said:
Iorgy77 said:
Does craig and co really want to be seen promoting the use of emulators on a forum they own and operate? By having all the emulator discussion on a third party site it is much easier to use the "the scene did it" defense. But when you own the forum and have control over its content can you do the same?

Emulators are not, and never ever once have been illegal.

Repeat that 100 times :)

Its various distribution acts that are the hot water. Including a BIOS in an emu, transmitting ROMS that you do not have license to distribute, etc. (And remember many ROMs are public domain or open to distribution, but most are not.)

Know your legals :)


Tell that to sony skeezix, did not stop them from shit canning the dreamcast psx emu. Do we really want the pandora team bailed up in litigation by a giant like Sony even if we are in the right?
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

Bleemcast! was a commercial emmulator, and really the whole situation is terribly different.
1. the people with the dreamcast were already paying customers of games, so this would infringe on their market. most normal consumers arent likely to get a pandora or install homebrew on their wii
2. bleemcast was for money. once again, more easily available to average consumers.
3. bleemcast team really handled the legal stuff badly.
there is nothing against them. sony knows they can bully them by wasting their money on legal defenses, and thats what happened. sony are assholes, but they wouldnt do it to PC or pandora emulator projects.
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

Iorgy77 said:
skeezix said:
Iorgy77 said:
Does craig and co really want to be seen promoting the use of emulators on a forum they own and operate? By having all the emulator discussion on a third party site it is much easier to use the "the scene did it" defense. But when you own the forum and have control over its content can you do the same?

Emulators are not, and never ever once have been illegal.

Repeat that 100 times :)

Its various distribution acts that are the hot water. Including a BIOS in an emu, transmitting ROMS that you do not have license to distribute, etc. (And remember many ROMs are public domain or open to distribution, but most are not.)

Know your legals :)


Tell that to sony skeezix, did not stop them from shit canning the dreamcast psx emu. Do we really want the pandora team bailed up in litigation by a giant like Sony even if we are in the right?

PSX has a BIOS, and Bleemcast came with a PSX BIOS, something that IS illegal to distribute. It's as simple as that. If you had read Skeezix's post through you might have actually realized that on your own.

-God Ginrai
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

Bleemcast came with a reverse engineered psx bios, the problem was they left some sony code in, that is how sony were able to shut it down.

Doesn't psx4all on the gp2x come with its own reverse engineered bios as well, not requiring you to download a sony bios?

I know that emulators themselves aren't illegal. That was never the question. But emulators can sometimes have some shady files, depending on the system and you never know when some absolute giant company is going to flex its legal muscle and decide to target your small company... remember Sony and the whole playasia thing? Craig was almost on the receiving end of that as well. Does he really want to go through that crap again?

God Ginrai said:
Iorgy77 said:
Tell that to sony skeezix, did not stop them from shit canning the dreamcast psx emu. Do we really want the pandora team bailed up in litigation by a giant like Sony even if we are in the right?

PSX has a BIOS, and Bleemcast came with a PSX BIOS, something that IS illegal to distribute. It's as simple as that. If you had read Skeezix's post through you might have actually realized that on your own.

-God Ginrai

Did you even read mine?
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

We have psx4iphone and various other things. We have psx emulators for PCs

I have yet to see a lawsuit.
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

Iorgy77 said:
Bleemcast came with a reverse engineered psx bios, the problem was they left some sony code in, that is how sony were able to shut it down.

Doesn't psx4all on the gp2x come with its own reverse engineered bios as well, not requiring you to download a sony bios?

I know that emulators themselves aren't illegal. That was never the question. But emulators can sometimes have some shady files, depending on the system and you never know when some absolute giant company is going to flex its legal muscle and decide to target your small company... remember Sony and the whole playasia thing? Craig was almost on the receiving end of that as well. Does he really want to go through that crap again?

God Ginrai said:
Iorgy77 said:
Tell that to sony skeezix, did not stop them from shit canning the dreamcast psx emu. Do we really want the pandora team bailed up in litigation by a giant like Sony even if we are in the right?

PSX has a BIOS, and Bleemcast came with a PSX BIOS, something that IS illegal to distribute. It's as simple as that. If you had read Skeezix's post through you might have actually realized that on your own.

-God Ginrai

Did you even read mine?

Yes I did read yours. As for the reverse engineered BIOS on psx4all, I wouldn't know, because I never tried psx4all. (I decided to try it when I get my Pandora tho') I always just assumed it came without a BIOS, just like all the other emulators I have downloaded that needed a BIOS. (Sega CD, Sega 32X, GBA, etc.) Unless it DOES come with a reverse-engineered BIOS, which I haven't seen very many emus that HAVE come with this, then I don't see very much support for your argument that emus come with shady files.

-God Ginrai
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

Point is, the pandora team have supported emulation but wouldn't be stupid enough to go and recommend an emulator that broke laws.
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Re: gp32x.de will be back soon!

*sigh* It's not reverse engineering if you have proprietary code in it.

Zod and Co. actually reversed instead of doing a teeny bit of reversing and relying on the code that was stolen and released through less savory channels.
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