GP32 - Shopping?


Still Fresh
Apr 23, 2003
Im new to this machine, and i have a couple of questions.

Best webshop for buying a GP32?

If you live in the UK then order from: I am in no way affiliated with craigx @ gbax, but found his service very fast and polite. If I purchase any more GP32's I will definately be buying them from gbax. :)

As said above - great service from Craig's posse at GBAx. Also great to buy games from JoyGP just cos it's so EASY (now they've ironed out the teething troubles - as far as I can tell).

Axeman posted on Apr 23 2003 said:
As said above - great service from Craig's posse at GBAx. Also great to buy games from JoyGP just cos it's so EASY (now they've ironed out the teething troubles - as far as I can tell).

What problem do they have?
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Notice he said the problems were ironed out :). For a short while downloads went down, also you HAD to purchase "mileage" at one point rather than being able to place a credit card only order. Those are the only two I remember.
I think shibuyagames is the best shop if you live in europe.
I ve received my GP32 48h after my order B)
Notice he said the problems were ironed out . For a short while downloads went down, also you HAD to purchase "mileage" at one point rather than being able to place a credit card only order. Those are the only two I remember.

Yeah, those are the probs I was on about, as well as the one where people couldnt download the things they had bought...

BUT - dont let that put you off - these problems were only in the first few days, and I haven't heard of any since :)
Man! I'm haveing a bad day today! I just repeated something you said didn't I!

Arutha! You were right! Those WERE the only problems I heard about! Sorry!
