Where can I buy a GP32 in Korea?


Still Fresh
Dec 11, 2003
I'm living in Korea, the birthplace of the GP32, and I have no idea where to buy one. They don't seem to have them in any stores, the website is in Korean and I'd feel stupid ordering from gbax or lik-sang. Any ideas or suggestions?
ins't lik-sang in hong kong and gbax.com in europe (UK?). Try checking out gameshops there... I'm not sure what it's like in Korea, check you yellow pages :-). If you can't read korean (gp32 site) then ask a gameshop clerk locally.
where in Korea do you live? I find them pretty easy in Seoul. I know the area pretty well around there.. just ask.
I'm in Busan and probably won't make it up to Seoul any time soon. Every game shop I've checked here only has GBAs and say they've never even heard of the Game Park. BTW, what do they retail for here? And if I get one here am I gonna have to flash the firmware to get it in English?