GP32 screen

I have the frontlit GP32 and you can see the screen slightly better than the GBA's but the FLU GP32 has a darker screen than the non-flu so you should be able to see the screen better
The GP32 screen is much better then the GBA one. Plus the frontlit version is great. It's your own decision but I recommend the FLU version anyway, because it extends your possibilities to use your GP32 in the dark and indoors (without strain your eyes), without any other lightsource.
The screen is also 'bigger' than the GBA and makes the unit feel more substantial. I have used the GBA for a long time now and I like the GP32's screen much better.

HZ :ph34r:
I just got my FLU the other day, after upgrading from the non-FLU. I have to disagree w/ the posters thus far. Maybe it's my FLU(doubt it), but it seems to me that the light is a little to far from the actual screen, making the image too light. I only have the Little John nes emu on the card now, so perhaps it's just that particular emu is lighter than others as far as color is concerned? Currently I think the GBA has a better image, although I like the size of the GP32 screen.
The Leds are a bit to bright, the screen can sometimes look a bit "washed out". But some Emus have Gamma adjustment that takes care of this.
No, the whole FLU GP32 unit- was tired of waiting for the so called DIYS kit. Got it from Craig- alway's recommended.
Wait are ther three types of GP's nomrmal, frontlit, and FLU, or are norm/frontlit one in the same?
FLU = Front Lit Unit

There is also another version being tested right now, it has a clam shell design like gbasp with a backlit screen but also has more capabilities than normal gp32, like web browser or a phone etc...

Depending on how I hold my non-flu, its much easier to see than the gba screen. Gp32screen is not only bigger but seems like its alot more sharp than my gba screen.