GP32 Gp32 Scrabble


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Nov 15, 2004
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Need to find someone who can take all my graphics and weave their GP32 magic to make the game live.

Also need to find a dictionary file, maybe something ported from a spellchecker routine or something to cross check words.

Also working on a Monopoly Clone set of graphics and game board to work with, dice and all.
charga_man posted on Mar 22 2005 at 01:10 PM said:
i can do graphics but my computer is abit bust so i can only use paint...

if you want help just pm me

I don't think that's the point ¬_¬

What I think he means is that he needs someone to take the graphics that he made himeself and make a game out of it. And that person is most certainly not me.
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I made a Scrabble dictionary for the GP32:



but haven't bothered releasing it yet as I'm not sure its really of any use to anyone else.
But I've got a couple of lists of official scrabble words if they are needed. To be honest though, for Scrabble on the GP, I just use the GBC version, which is pretty excellent and something that my mediocre skills certainly couldn't improve on.


  • scrab1.gif
    3 KB · Views: 141
  • scrab2.gif
    1.8 KB · Views: 138
Making Scrabble clones is very difficult, particularly on such a small screen I would imagine. The interface would take ages to make (if you want it to be good) and then there's the question of implementing the rules, checking words against a dictionary, working out scores (including all the 'special' squares like Double Word Value), working out whether the user has placed a tile in a legal place, etc etc.
taras posted on Mar 26 2005 at 02:50 PM said:
Making Scrabble clones is very difficult, particularly on such a small screen I would imagine. The interface would take ages to make (if you want it to be good) and then there's the question of implementing the rules, checking words against a dictionary, working out scores (including all the 'special' squares like Double Word Value), working out whether the user has placed a tile in a legal place, etc etc.

Actually I can help with the game engine; it's the GUI side of things I find difficult myself.

Have a look here and see if there's anything you can adapt...

- G
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