Gp32 Or Zodiac

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Still Fresh
Aug 17, 2004
Ive already got the original gp32 and it is about time to get a new device since i got it about the time it came out. This may sound stupid considering that this is a gp32 :D site but I need help deciding between the gp32 blu or the tapwave zodiac.
Ahhh the grand old argument. I liken it to the old debates of sega genesis or super nintendo! They are both good- its a personal desicion!! Should I smoke Malboro or Winfield (or if your in britain lambert and butler). You cant get anyone to tell you the answer you just need to decide for yourself!
gatso posted on Aug 17 2004 at 04:39 AM said:
Ahhh the grand old argument. I liken it to the old debates of sega genesis or super nintendo! They are both good- its a personal desicion!! Should I smoke Malboro or Winfield (or if your in britain lambert and butler). You cant get anyone to tell you the answer you just need to decide for yourself!
Your exactly right. Its Mega drive for me btw and nothing on the cigs :P
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I was always a super nintendo man- Oh how I loathed my genesis friends!!! They didnt understand that super nintendo was the bomb! Cmon it has mario AND metroid- you cant compare sonic to mario!
gatso posted on Aug 17 2004 at 05:15 AM said:
I was always a super nintendo man- Oh how I loathed my genesis friends!!! They didnt understand that super nintendo was the bomb! Cmon it has mario AND metroid- you cant compare sonic to mario!
you just said its a personal decision. I say how can you compare them to the sega classics.
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No i look back now and think that they are both good. Im arguing from the perspective of me as a child loving my SNES- I know now they are both good. Although mortal kombat on megadrive was ultra crap but it did have blood. Snes mortal kombat was fluid but no gore? Thats another hard choice
seriously i think you should sell your original gp32 and buy a gp32blu
. i receive it today and the screen is awesome , wonderful. it cant be better. i saw a lot of screen in my life including plasma tv, and i never seen colors so rich and clear. unbeliveble
ima have to a agree with wolly wotsit on this one , if you already have a gp32 , keep it , dont bother with zodiac , and grab yourself a DS when it comes out

from what ive read in my official playstation magazine

PSP - $250 at released

and from my cube magazines

DS -$100-$150

(could this price gap also be the first and possibly the winning blow for nintendo ?)

Btw , i was a megadrive lad , id never even heard of nintendo to my uncle handed me a Gameboy (mono) and from that day on i was always saying get me a snes dad , ill never love you like a real son unless you do *stil waiting for snes*

my 2cents
I’ve heard a little more. The DS will be released at $180 but the PSP’s price is as yet unknown but expected to be around $250-300.

I think Nintendo have done far better than Sony on this, the price alone for the PSP has made me think I’d rather have a GP32 and a DS.
FFA_bruno posted on Aug 17 2004 at 09:50 AM said:
I’ve heard a little more. The DS will be released at $180 but the PSP’s price is as yet unknown but expected to be around $250-300.

I think Nintendo have done far better than Sony on this, the price alone for the PSP has made me think I’d rather have a GP32 and a DS.
What did u expect? Look at the psp's features Uses a new format. More powerful than a ps2 the list goes on. These things cost money. If the psp goes around the 200 mark that will be a very good price. DS at 180 is a rip off
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I have a GP32 and if I were getting a second handheld, the choices would not include the Zodiac. They are too similar hardware-wise and from a commercial outlook (i.e., neither will b a market force which garners much software support).

To complement your GP32, you might want a system which strong 3rd party support...

(if I didn't have a GP32, the Zodiac would be worthwhile...)
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