GP32 On gamesville


Still Fresh
Aug 26, 2003
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GP32 was showed on Gamesville today on Sky, gamesville wasn't on at its normal time on Sky 1 today but I saw it on Sky1mix just a minute ago.

It had all of about 30seconds show on the programme, Simon from the "G Team" is seen playing it during the news segment and he basicly says "its ok, but it isnt coming out over here anymore" hes playing a fighting game and says it plays quite good and is of good quality.

They don't mention its video, mp3 or homebrew games.

Simon does say you can play emulators on it and says if you wan't one you'l have to import it.

But the presenter dismisses it and says "you could just get a GBA" and the end, not to good a show of the great GP32.
because there are probley quite a few people interested to hear about the GP32 being shown on national widely viewed tv? (even if on a very poor show)
Those are the two presenters who had an on air arguement

One said Tomb Raider was a FPS the other said it was a TPS. It just goes to show how good the show is and what the presenters do know about games (sod all).
They asked me to go on and interview about it, but they've been dragging their heels in getting back to me, and I think they're just not bothered any more. If it aint mainstream, it aint Gamezville by the seems of it...

We'll see...
I think i'll be asking for my GP32 back from them too. How bloody disrespectful, they got that out of me on the basis it would get a proper review.

which channell is this on and at which time. you do have to laugh at the presenters of gamesville, they claimed that civilisation 2 was pretty much the same game as age of mythologies. is on Rapture starting Monday

How about the fantastic game-pad? the quite good Ultimate Gamer or the almost watchable Cybernet.
Sounds just as bad as G4TV. G4: TV for lamers. Oops, I mean gamers.

G4 is a stupid digital cable channel here in the U.S. It's not quite so stupid, but it seems to fall in the category of 'hardly anybody knows what the hell they're talking about'. Even if they are gamers, most of them don't even really seem like real gamers. And all they talk about on there is the real mainstream stuff. I guess it's all because of the sponsors and stuff. But still, they should be trying to cover all the bases when it comes to gaming. So what if a small part of your demographic are the only ones who care? You should be covering as much gaming as you can.

I been thinking of trying to get someone on either G4 or TechTV (another pretty lame channel, not worth watching their gaming show XPlay) to do anything on the GP32.
gamesville eh? They got a website???

Time to convert my old workhorse PC into a server fuxx0ring email bombing instrument of pain! (/lamer for a cause)

And Xplay is has it's moments, it's alot better than the gaming show on discovery sci was... Urgh...

They're more likely to give it a positive presentation.
Yeah, you're right, TechTV would be best to show it on. They really have a little better American demographic for as far as what the GP32 is useful. The people that probably watch TechTV are also a lot of oldschool gamers as well. TechTV would probably look at it from a real technological POV than G4 would. I'ev just been thinking about what it would be like to see the GP32 actually on TV. But then again, the GP32 is a real alternative handheld. It is not for most gamers.

EDIT: On a side note, should I try and get TechTV to show the GP32? I was thinking about it a while ago, but with no reliable US retailers and the decreasing stock of GP32s, is it really worth it still? Also, the GP32 is kind of old now. Nothing you would put on Fresh Gear.
Actually, compared to most of the shod on the market ( GBA SP, N-gage) It is fresh in compairson...

I say it's worth a shot!
TV shows about video games just don't seem to work (bar Gamesmaster, but I don't remember that too well now), maybe they should just give up?
I think we should hatemail this simon guy and their gamesville buddies into the ground and point them right... and show them that GP32 fans won't be **** on like most other people.