Gp32 On Uk Tv?


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Has the GP32 ever been featured on UK TV? Gamesville on sky one or something like that? If the answer is no or even if it's yes has anyone got any ideas how we could get some airtime for the GP.

I'm sure a 5 minute slot on a mainstream program would do wonders for sales.

Anyone got a TV producer as a dad? ;)
Yes I think it was, but only very briefly on Gamesville. Even then they didnt really talk about the features either (like emulators).

Trouble is with the majority of the UK gaming public, they just want something to pick up and play (rather than have something that may need a little configuring for extra enjoyment) - so I'm not sure GP32 would be a "success" over here.
I agree the GP32 may not be a "success" over here in the way that consoles are but plenty of us had computers that needed a bit of effort to play games on. Speccy, C64, Atari 8bit and ST, Amiga or whatever and yet those sold millions. I'm sure lots of those sort of old school gamers haven't even heard of the GP32 so how do we go about selling it to the likes of them. Maybe we could start a poster campaign with a catchy slogan.

Retro gamer? GP32. Heard of it? No! look it up oh the net.

Or maybe that's a shite idea :D
It's not a horrible idea, the key is to play up the best features of the device. main strem media wont make a big thing of the emmulators because of the legality issue of roms but that dosent mean they cant start mentioning the fact that you can make games that are reminisant of the 16bit era with some programing knowledge.

The open source factor could be it's greatest selling point even if it's just being sold to an amature programer/coder niche market.
i have a friend who watches gamezville with the tv on mute, I dont get why, guess he just likes watching game shows. I can see why though, he says he cant stand listening to those hosts and that they dont know a thing about gameing.
I found Game Pad on Bravo slightly better to watch. At least it tries to think that its audience is some way intelligent (rather than moronic like Gamesville). The problem with these shows is the stuff they present would have been picked up already by its audience on Internet and the gaming press. (so you might as well watch Simpsons). I would love to see an Internet streamed games show with a worldwide audience - that would be the next step, with online challenges etc..

The problem with GP32 is that if it was released in this country, there would have to be some kind of word of mouth campaign to establish it. I don't see it having some kind of ipod like advertising since Gamepark are pretty tight at the best of times. Virgin seem to be attached to the whole "what is cool" thing so who knows?

Still if it does achieve some kind of success here in the UK, and hundreds of thousands of newbies flood the board, then I'm willing to help out where its needed.
I dunno if it will succeed, certainly I have showed people my GP32 and they have loved it but I doubt any of them would but it tbh and most of those people are in my computer class (btec) so we know a fair bit about computers :s
I have been trying to get the producer of a new games show (Consolevania) to feature GP32.

One of the presenters owns a GP32 so i am hoping that will sway them.
Dozer posted on Feb 29 2004 at 02:51 PM said:
Gamesville is awful, i tried watching it 2day. Shocking program
I Know, try or gamepad, both on Bravo, EDIT: G.TV is Where i first saw the gametrac so the GP32 was probably on there once EDIT no. 2: sorry lizard808uk didnt notice u'd mentioned gamepad :P
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