Gp32 (non-flu) For Sale


Certified Guru
Nov 16, 2003
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I've got a GP32 Non-FLU for sale with all the usual extras (usb lead, etc). Still has the film over the screen, in original box & red bublewrap.

Also comes with a 32mb SMC & GPCinema.

£70 posted in the UK.

EDIT: Comes with new batteries also. (+ a spare set).
sounds like a good deal to me...... espescially if it still has the film over the screen.

just out of interest, what does it overclock to?
And why are you selling it? got one in spare? or do you stop developing for it now (god, please god dont let that be true)?
Thats about 125 USD then? I know you dont want to sell outside the UK but i am thinking of selling mine and i was looking to see what a reasonable price is.
Hey Fyvve, if you are going to seel that and you are in US I'll buy your GP32 from you if it is complete with cable and stuff. I'll give you a bunch of games also if you don't want to sell or both! :o ;)
This is just a spare unit I have that I no longer need (just needed two gp32's for a bit of reverse engineering). It clocks upto 156mhz ok, and I have tried upto 166Mhz in GPCinema, but only for a few minutes so can't guarantee this setting will be stable for a long time.

It's still available. Send me a PM with your address and method of payment and I'll send you my address in return.