Gp32 Intro


Dec 27, 2003
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I remember seeing this last year, but i cant find the post. . .

I am currently running multifirmware on my gp32, and the other day i thought back to when i first got my GP32 and that intro screen that first came up when you turned it on and now i sort of miss it. Is there a way I can get the intro back, but not have to use the original firmware?
Just hold select when switching your GP on and select the first option in the list. Do this a few times, Just to remind yourself that your not really missing much. Switch your GP off then on again holding the select button and go back to what you were using before.

"pling ding ding dadading bllling!"

Makes you feel very ^_^ inside. :P

Has anyone ever tried making a replacement logo thingy though? Just for fun? I think it'd be kind of an interesting contest to see who makes the best intro logo animation. Just an idea. :)
I remember seeing a post last year about this topic, but i coulnt find it. I remember someone said something about flashing it with a french firmware . . . i dont remember

the intro really does make you happy inside tho :D
we (me and kknd_cf) were/are going to put a contest in the next issue of DLWD magazine and it would have several categories: best .mod music, best sprite & best animation splash screen.
yes, but thats the euro fw boot screen iirc
i said this a thousand times an no one listened to me....I'd love to have the korean intro/selector (maybe even the MP3 Player) but without having to use freeloader....any 1337 FW h4x0rs who could be able to do this?

btw i also liked the old MP3 player's "locked" bar :wub: