Where can I pick up a GP32 in Singapore?
Just letting you know that we (the people of the GP32X boards) aren't ignoring you.
The thing is, this question is hard to answer, since pretty much none of us live in Singapore. Pretty much the only way you (or almost anybody for that matter) can get one is by ordering one. Here's some places I know of (they aren't in Singapore though):
GBAX.com (England)
Shibuya Games (France, don't remember their site, I know they have one though)
Gp32spain.com [they have a store, I think] (Spain)
Gp32z.com (California, US) The proprieter is J2Rswiss, he frequents these boards,
and has an Ebay store.
Ebay.com (Yes, people sale GP32's on Ebay)
Gp32x marketplace (it's a forum here)
What should I expect to pay?
About $200 US dollars average.
Is the 166MHz BLU the current model?
GP32 BLU+ is the current model atleast by the closest defination (its the latest shipment). Gamepark is trying to phase these out (they stopped making them, auctioned off a few). They have a different brand of screen which makes them less compatible with software (incompatible software doesn't display properly). I would guess that Gamepark is working on making another batch of good ones (those are called BLU's [notice the absence of +]. BLU+, F.Y.I. is just a term we made up to differentiate them between the others, not an official term.
The best kind out there is the BLU.
166mhz only means that you can overclock (the normal speed is 133mhz) to atleast 166mhz. The ones from GBAX are modified (a voltage mod involving soldering in resitors) so that they are gauranteed to be able to overclock to 166mhz. Any gp32 has about a 50/50 chance of being able to overclock. And if it doesn't overclock, it can be modified so that it does, if you want it to that badly.
> What did you do?
Well, I bought a 166mhz gauranteed BLU (this was before the BLU+ happened) from GP32z/J2rswiss. But that was then, and this is now. It's really hard to find a BLU that isn't used now. So almost all new in box GP32's are BLU+'s.
But it isn't too bad having a BLU+, because almost everything works (all of the best stuff is compatible), and what doesn't work is being fixed, or sucks too much to matter anyway.

Whoah, I spent 17 minutes writing this :blink:!