Gp32 For Sale...any1 Interested?

plus card reader plus games minus cheap?
it starts at a penny and has a card reader and 128mb card so what more to give?
You've written plus card reader plus games minus cheap.

OOOOPS! i didn't realise...stupid mistake i'll change...thanks for telling me

plus card reader plus games minus cheap?
it starts at a penny and has a card reader and 128mb card so what more to give?
You've written plus card reader plus games minus cheap.


edit: lol you changed it... or perhaps I'm blind.
you could be blind, in that case i'd see a doctor...or in reality i think i changed it lol
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whats the difference

nlu = non lit unit
flu = front lit unit
blu = back lit unit
blu+ = back lit unit with a different screen (samsung if I remember correctly, but could be wrong) :unsure:

so its just the screen no other techincal updates?
But obviously i dont mean the sp gba :P

shame its NLU the person i was gonna bid on it for has poor eyesight, ah well ill look elsewhere.
i heard that the old gba screen lighter can fit onto the gp32 as they are roughly the same size so i would use one of them
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