GP32 FLU w/Moviepark 128 & 64 MB FOR SALE!


Still Fresh
Jul 13, 2003
I found myself short on cash and (regretfully) need to sell my favorite toy. It's a FLU with box, PC link cable, Moviepark, 128 MB smart media card, and a 64 MB smart media card.

:o you put this on ebay for auction,your not going to have a problem selling it.ive watched quite a few of these sell like hotcakes on ebay,and they were the non front-lit model,the ones that ive seen up for auction that were FLU units have sold for big money,you just gotta wait till it gets down to a few days left and the bids start coming in.seems like everyone is going nuts trying to buy one of these handhelds with the front light built in!!! B) i purchased my FLU brand new,still sealed on ebay and ive been watching every auction that has come up for the GP32 just in case someone would sell some games.GP32 FLU's,which were opened and used,have sold for inbetween $230 to $280 dollars! hope this info helps.
:D WOW,i just took a look at your auction on ebay after posting my first reply,a few hours have gone buy and 50 people have looked at the auction and you have got 6 bids at $120 dollars.your gonna be happy at the end of this auction when you see how much it ends at.cant say i told you in advance,but i knew it from watching the past auctions.seems like everyone wants to own this little handheld device! ;)