GP32 Fantasy Football


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
I thought it would be fun if we created a fantasy football league. If you want to join up check out the info on my site.

p.s. If anyone wants to offer prizes to the monthly winner, they would be much appreciated ;) :D :lol:
It's where you create a football (soccer) team out of real players and get points relating to how well they perform in their matches. These points are then added up to give you a total for your team, the team with the most points at the end of each month wins
Someone just sent me the PIN 11437 , but this is incorrect as all PINs are 6 digits. Can whoever it was please resend it along with their name, thanks
So US fantasy football is different what with the bizarre naming of their sports and the fact that barely anyone gives two hoots about football/soccer there!

I've entered, I almost won one of these once, if only I'd picked Shearer instead of Ratboy Phillips...
declaration posted on Sep 11 2003 at 03:59 PM said:
do you want our real names as registered on or our forum names because i only sent my forum name.....
forum names are fine

What do you think I should call our league?
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I know what fantasy football is, but I haven't actually done it because I have to pay ;) If making a GP32 group 'd do it as long as I don't lave to pay :P
as soon will be seen..... mine is the geatest team! Why not call the league something like "the Gp32 Premiership"...... or then again maybe somebody could come up with a more original title......
sounds ok.... how many people have actually signed up for the league so far and wha do i have to do to be able to check the league