GP32 Divx v.0.3 pre alpha


Still Fresh
Jul 9, 2003

While I'm waiting for somewhere to download Moviepark for free,
I'm trying make my GP32 play avi with other progs...

I downloaded "GP32 Divx v.0.3 pre alpha" from this site, but can't make it
play avi, it only makes like a "spotty" flickering and scratchy sound.
I've followed instructions on how to recode with Vdub..dunno if I've gotten it
right though...

please help me, I want moving pics on my GP32 dammnit!!:)

- peze
Yeah peze i even got sound to work on it kinda

Read my previous post

i have the inscructions for making it work in vdub its a diff way that to movie park gpdivx and moviepark are both different

and gpdivx dosent support sound so dont expect to get sound but i managed to get sound out on my test but the sound is bad and not insync cause the program dosent support sound and i made the divx files output raw sound so thats the only way u can get sound.

But really dont expect anything good the sound will slowdown and go mushed but try it out i wanna see what some1 else thinks about it

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Shane the moviepark doesn't work....well it does but no1 knows how to encode the videos for it.

I tryed ripping the header of a gpm file and putting it on the avi header and went to play it and sorta worked we will have to wait for the tool that lets u encode your divx files to gpm.

According to, the new MoviePark is only a demo version which plays only GPM-Files (which is an own file format and can only be encoded by GamePark)

The full version will support DivX.

Well, I guess a GPM-file is just a DivX file with a different header or so, as I don't think they developed a special playback routing just for a demo version ;)
But I don't support pirating, so you should wait and buy the full version before hacking that one!
Hacking what 1?

I only tryed to get sound out of gpdivx so i could hear it and i did its no big deal

Trying to get the new moviepark to work with divx files

But im not pirating cause moviepark is FREE :lol:

It comes Free with the new manager they r prob fixing the software to convert it to a gpm file but its free.

So im not doing anything bad just curious to how it ticks and try to get it to work for me.
