GP32 GP32 diary?


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2003
Does anyone know if there's some kind of diary/calendar program available for the GP32? Pretty much transforming it into a PDA kinda thang.

Let me know, me want!! :blink:

Nobody has bothered because the GP32 doesn't have a clock that runs when the gp32 has been turned off. So unless you want to keep it on all the time, or have a very functionless diary, there isn't much point.
maybe when you 1st use the diary you are asked to set the date and it is saved,
then each time afterwards it shouldn't be too much hassle to move the date on a few days
I bought a Palm Pilot IIIx for $25 + 5 shipping off of eBay. IIIx was the 8 meg version. It can hold something like 20,000 contacts, etc. It's great for storing text files (ie: game collection) when I go to flea markets -- it's stopped me from buying duplicates more than once!

I just saw a commercial for some breakfast cereal where if you mail in two box tops, you get a free PDA. Technology rules.
A diary would be sorta useless for the GP32 anyway because it doesn't have a keyboard and it's not touch-sensitive.

So unless you want to use a clunky virtual keyboard and pick off letter after letter with the D-Pad, it would be faster and easier to use something else (like *ahem* a pencil).
And if ur desperate 4 a diary, im sure u could find one emulated! The only one i can think of is the diary in super mario delux on the gameboy color.
yeah maybe it exist some diary on Atari ST and knowing ST is pretty well emulate on GP32 , I think u can do this ... but maybe it'll be totaly useless ;p