GP32 devkit in one download


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2003
England, UK
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I noticed, when looking at the instructions of how to install the GP32 devkit, some links were dead... others have moved. To make things simpler I have collected everything into one zip.

Get it here (ZIP, 16MB~ish) or here (RAR, 11MB~ish)

It contains the usual libraries, binaries and headers, plus documentation, a test program and a few tools, and the GeePee32 emulator, and finally a tutorial.

However, if you don't know where to begin with the devkit, or how to make smcs, compile files, make fxes etc...

I made an in-depth tutorial, which you can read at this location.

Please reply if you found any of this useful,

- Rico
Very cool Rico, Thanks!!!

im going to link to that page on my site if you dont mind, very very usefull

Thanks again, gonna check this out tonight, was just what i needed :)
Kan du svenska? posted on Apr 24 2003 said:
Rico posted on Apr 24 2003 said:
Do you have some... :unsure: to share?
How exactly does my name imply that I pirate games? :P

And thanks for the comments, I'm fine with linking to it.
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Rico posted on Apr 24 2003 said:
I made an in-depth tutorial, which you can read at this location.

Please reply if you found any of this useful
Thanks Rico, that's the most user friendly guide I've seen to programming on the Gp32 yet!

One question, what programming language should I look into if I'm interested in beginning programming on the GP32? C? C++? Assembly? What's the difference between these?

VB coder at heart.
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hehe don't suppose you fancy making a tutorial about how to port a game like Doom to the gp32 do you ^_^
Flack posted on Apr 24 2003 said:
One question, what programming language should I look into if I'm interested in beginning programming on the GP32? C? C++? Assembly? What's the difference between these?
You won't be able to code VB for it, that's for sure :P

I suggest C, as C++ is a little slow and unneccessary for most games, and assembly is way to complex for a beginner (when it comes to GP32) ... you need to know ASM, and specifically ASM for an ARM processor...and how to compile it. Since I am mostly an ASM virgin I steer clear from it, oh sure my code is slower but I don't have much choice...

As for Doom :D, basically you find someone else's doom port for a similar system and hack it to bits until it works :D

Finally, I omitted how to actually make your own code. That'll come in part 2, but if you don't know already, just type up some C, copy the makefile from the test directory, and type 'make'. Bang, there's your gxb.

- Rico
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lol i was thinking of trying and porting Duke3D or zDoom for a giggle and i might as well try and see what i can do ^_^