Gp32 Blu Not Detected


Still Fresh
Feb 10, 2005
hello , not been on often , but i have a problem , i have re-installed my gamepark software on the pc , installed the w2k drivers for detecting the gp32 and yet the program for gamepark transfer and formating will not pick up the usb it's plugged into , i have tried other usb , have 4 to try , but no joy , is there a program that can format and transfer gp32 straight to smc , rather than go through the gp32 .

my smc has crashed and all info is not detectable by gp32 , but usually windows can pick it up but hasn't this time .
sicedice posted on May 24 2005 at 04:53 PM said:
hello , not been on often , but i have a problem , i have re-installed my gamepark software on the pc , installed the w2k drivers for detecting the gp32 and yet the program for gamepark transfer and formating will not pick up the usb it's plugged into , i have tried other usb , have 4 to try , but no joy , is there a program that can format and transfer gp32 straight to smc , rather than go through the gp32 .

my smc has crashed and all info is not detectable by gp32 , but usually windows can pick it up but hasn't this time .

Yes there is a way. Get a card reader.
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No, really. It's worth the money. You can get a decent 7-in-1 reader for around $20 USD any more, and it goes so much faster and easier than the USB cable. If you ever want to transfer large files like movies or BOR mods, it's far faster on a SMC reader than USB.
$20 is even way to much, i paid $2 for my 7 in 1 brand new on ebay and was $5 for shipping, so $7 total and it was the best thing I could've bought for my GP32.
I paid 9 € in a Shop for a 8-in-1 USB 2 Cardreader.
I should clarify: I bought a new reader from Tiger Direct that was a new model USB2 reader, and that was months ago. So you can find them cheaper now.
DaveC posted on May 24 2005 at 06:19 PM said:
sicedice posted on May 24 2005 at 04:53 PM said:
hello , not been on often , but i have a problem , i have re-installed my gamepark software on the pc , installed the w2k drivers for detecting the gp32 and yet the program for gamepark transfer and formating will not pick up the usb it's plugged into , i have tried other usb , have 4 to try , but no joy , is there a program that can format and transfer gp32 straight to smc , rather than go through the gp32 .

my smc has crashed and all info is not detectable by gp32 , but usually windows can pick it up but hasn't this time .

Yes there is a way. Get a card reader.

i have a card reader :) , but no programs to format in fat12 for gp32 , and i would also like a gp32 manager that will use the card reader , but i have the standard one for connecting to gp32 and it will not use the card reader , i have always used the card reader after i have formatted the smc through the gp32 with the gamepark manager program .... any ideas or sujestions for softwares that can format in fat 12 ........... :unsure:
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i really don't understand what your talking about fat 12. If you want to format your SMC, then just delete everything on your smc from your card reader and re setup the directories in the order they were, using the card reader, you can manually do the format.
Erm no. You can´t.
Maybe you have had the luck that none of your SMC´s ever lost its format, but this can happen and you will need to format your SMC with FAT12 then.
Slubman wrote a prog for it, google for his site.
if you don´t use winXP (i.e. 98,ME,2000), you can format with the card reader
if you do use XP you´ll have to do it with GPManager
or you can format it with a digital camera or other device
pea posted on May 24 2005 at 09:50 PM said:
But KickinWing, what happens if you have another smc that has never been formatted for GP32?
EDIT: Jinx!

Slubman wrote a prog for it, google for his site

Or visit my gp32 site which has links to all devvers and important people (:)) on the links page.

thanks for all your help , got the smc recovery program will use it next time i have the same problem , i have the uplink working now , found another gp manager that worked , just to format the smc , have looked at your site pea ;) , i'm impressed , being a modding newbie :P i may try some of the bits , paint job and memory , and thanks for the other forum links , i know where to come more often for info , cheers lads n lass's for your help ..... :lol:
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