Actually, it will fit in the socket I suspect... I've ripped mine to pieces too a couple of times. What you might have problems with, though, would be if the extra voltage accidentally fried the LCD - after all, other threads have suggested that sticking a resistor between the LCD and the chip might let us OC it beyond the recognised safety limit of 132MHz; which reduces resistance, which means a 4.8v unit is going to fry very fast, since that's somewhat more extra voltage than simply going 30MHz over the limit's going to provide.
Or am I thinking of current? I never was amazing at physics... V=IR; R rises slightly at higher clockspeeds from temp, methinks, but what happens to the other two - 2.6/3 Volts as per normal (depending if using rechargeables or normal bats)? In which case curent is our enemy so we might be OK... except even if V rises and its current that's the problem, I also rises as a result (unless we increase R too).
Sorry about spouting yr 7 gibberish; as I said, I was never very good with physics...