Gp2Xengine Problem


Still Fresh
Mar 5, 2008
i download GP2Xengine (PC engine) for my gp2x. i put the roms directory for it and then put the roms in it. But when i play it it say no rom list. i read the readme file and tried many things but nothing works.

i tried - roms/pcengine
- just roms/
any help to make it work.
<shameless_plug>Your problem is that you're using the wrong PC-Engine emulator. You should be using Temper instead.</shameless plug>

On a side note, I think it's ridiculous that any emulator should use a fixed ROMs directory and require that all ROMs start with that path. This was especially the case for my GP2X that didn't even have a working SD slot, so I had to make a fake SD mount directory just to please that emulator.
I agree with Exo. I now use Temper instead. Aside from some glitches (down quits working in some games; hint hint :) ) it is top notch.
bman said:
I agree with Exo. I now use Temper instead. Aside from some glitches (down quits working in some games; hint hint :) ) it is top notch.

I wish I had the faintest idea what you were talking about :(
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