Squidgesnes Rompath Problems


Feb 9, 2006
i have managed to run all the emus on the gp2x..except this one..from the readme:

Choose a directory on your SD card and unpack the archive directly to it. Copy roms into the "roms" directory.
Note that the "skin" and "roms" directory must be present in the same directory as the executable (squidgesnes.gpe)

in the game,when i choose to play a rom,it bring a list where it said"no files" at the bottom and at the top mnt\sd\roms...nothing.

i've put the roms practically everywfere on the sd...nothing...

any help :unsure:
The provided default configuration is a little inconsistent with the readme. After the readme was written, there was an option so you could have your roms in the "standard" place on the sd card (kinda agreed by the community), or in the original location (the roms directory within the program dir).

Default configuration is the "standard" place on sd card, which is /roms/snes (or /mnt/sd/roms/snes depending on how you look at it). This is the directory recommended as a whole by the community, so all roms are in one place.

If you prefer the way stated in the readme, go into the configuration and untick "Use absolute rom path"
Failing that, (sd root)/roms/snes?
ok 'i've tried that and it worked.though the readme said that these folders had to be on the same path :huh:
Solstar posted on Mar 5 2006 at 09:49 PM said:
Failing that, (sd root)/roms/snes?
ok 'i've tried that and it worked.though the readme said that these folders had to be on the same path :huh:

See my explanation above :)
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oh ok then!
btw,good work for the emu,is really amazing!there are some speed issues,but its compatibility is great and i do hope you will update it to the point that every game will be playable
Yep I'm very happy with how squidge's emulator has been improving, it's great to play oldschool RPG's on and as speed improves the more graphical intensive games will improve as well. He has the best menu system I've seen in an emulator as well, so far at least.