Gp2x Usb Host Driver

DijiTao posted on Feb 9 2006 at 06:27 PM said:
parag0n posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:14 PM said:
^H is a delete char. on some older BBS's, when you deleted characters, the ^H would be sent along with what you'd typed before deleting... not too good when you're insulting someone ;)

at least, as far as i know, wasnt around in the olden days ;)

I remember ^H as what happens when you press backspace on an improperly configured terminal. (I has an old (mid 90) Sun Server in my office that had that problem...)
It happens if my GP2X runs out of batteries and I'm trying to tell it to do things over USB Serial.
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parag0n posted on Feb 9 2006 at 07:14 PM said:
^H is a delete char. on some older BBS's, when you deleted characters, the ^H would be sent along with what you'd typed before deleting... not too good when you're insulting someone ;)

at least, as far as i know, wasnt around in the olden days ;)

Oh please, "olden days" I feel old :-)
I'm not that old and I remember using it (and coming VERY unstuck with a poorly configured terminal). Yes it's the control char that is used to send a "backspace" command.

Ek, going off topic and reminising (sp?)...

Back on topic: Am I right in thinking that the .o files are object files with functions useable in C++ ?
Been a long time since I touched on C++, trying to get back into it at the moment.
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for sure, you can build your own modules for insertion on the GPH kernel ..

the hardware is all about the EXT port, which is noisy with all kinds of junk everywhere.. but does work. ;)