That's an SDIO card which, although it uses a SD-format hardware interface, needs special drivers to actually make it do anything. Most SD card slots are for storage only, but the electrical interface is compatible between SD and SDIO. However, the software side isn't and you'd need particular drivers to make it run.
It's possible that with an Open2X firmware, you could build the relevant drivers (if they exist in Linux) and use it but the original GP2X firmware wasn't built in a way that would let you load such modules, I don't think (it had that config option turned off), and you would have to compile the "module" for that card to make it work, using the same compiler/source as was used on the firmware (which isn't impossible but I think the GP2X one is 2.4-kernel-based so you'll have a job getting wifi things working properly). Either way, you're into very tricky stuff to get it working.
Even a lot of Palm's etc. that have SD slots won't take that thing without special drivers.
Basically - the USB stick method is a thousand times easier.