Gp2x Powered Through Ext


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Mar 23, 2007
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Hey. I heard that the GP2X CAN NOT be powered through the EXT port, however I can prove it can if someone wants. You do need 2 power supplies to power the cradle and the unit right? If so they could make it so just the cradle needs a power supply, and it provides the GP2X power through the EXT port.

When I connect my powered USB hub to the gp2x through the EXT > female USB host cable, it powers the unit.
you mean your gp2x is actually working without batteries? through ext port? o.0
Zenny said:
you mean your gp2x is actually working without batteries? through ext port? o.0
Yes. Definitely. I could post a video.
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Sure, that would be neat. If this is really true then seems like there would a major flaw in the cradle :/ btw what gp2x is it? mk1 or mk2?
It's an MK2. It's much more comfortable to play GP2X with this at home because the power adaptor plug is not in my hands way!
Here, I uploaded a video:

Things to note:
1. When powered through EXT, there is no way to shut it down except disconnecting the EXT connector or using a sledgehammer.
2. When using with batteries, plugging the EXT in and removing the batteries won't reset the GP2X like the power adaptor does.
3. When connected when using batteries, the power light becomes slightly brighter.
4. When the power is unplugged from the USB hub, the GP2X shuts down if no batteries are inside or the GP2X power switch is off.
Hmm... seems to work fine for me.

Blah said:
It contains several interfaces (for example USB and TV), but there are no power input pins (there are however power output pins for USB).

That said, there is no way to power the GP2X through the EXT port.
Whatever way you look at it, I disproved the second statement :)
I currently power my GP2X through the EXT port ONLY, that's for sure.
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well, as there is not input for the power but only an output which you apparently abuse to power the unit, you might seriously damage your it. But if you are up for it, why don't you do a little testing and we'll see if it is safe?
Miika said:
Hmm... seems to work fine for me.

Blah said:
It contains several interfaces (for example USB and TV), but there are no power input pins (there are however power output pins for USB).

That said, there is no way to power the GP2X through the EXT port.
Whatever way you look at it, I disproved the second statement :)
I currently power my GP2X through the EXT port ONLY, that's for sure.

that faq was posted in reply to somone doing what you are now, its not meant to be powered thru the ext since it will damage the inside but it is possible

NINJA EDIT. <- using ext to power the 2x <- the outcome

this is why the Faq was written, because it could mess the 2x up.

also it seems the 2x takes inputs from the ext (even though they are output connections) i accidentally had the 2x connected to a video switcher and audio came thru the 2x speakers (albeit quiet) i was trying to send 2x audiovideo out but forgot to switch the jumper over..
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Samba Pa Ti said:
that faq was posted in reply to somone doing what you are now, its not meant to be powered thru the ext since it will damage the inside but it is possible

NINJA EDIT. <- using ext to power the 2x <- the outcome

this is why the Faq was written, because it could mess the 2x up.

If those posts were true (the guy was clearly a moron living in a strange fantasy world), nowhere does he say that sticking power through ext broke his gp2x. Time and time again people post information with no real evidence to back it up and sometimes it needs one person to ignore all the 'advice' and find out what the real situation is (anyone remember the old 'don't overclock your gp32!' threads?). Ok so it might cause damage to the gp2x, but then again it might not. Let Miika continue his experiment and we'll all find out the real answer.
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Well now I became aware when I read those posts. At least my GP2X is still working. The strange thing is that I am not doing anything wrong, I just hooked up the USB hub to the USB host cable so I could use more powered USB devices (What the hell, it isn't working anyway), But why is the USB HUB giving outpult voltage? It shouldn't do that, should it?
Maybe there is something wrong with the hub, I still don't want to risk my GP2X' life. Still, if it were dangerous my GP2X would propably already got fried...?
Home made USB host hubs know the 2x can't provide enough voltage or amperage to usb devices, so power up the hub directly, this voltage flows back to the gp2x in some designs.

Powering up the unit via the ext unit is called "back feeding", as you are powering it up from what is meant to be an output. There's no protection there, and little regulation and smoothing, not to mention it bypassing other things as well such as the power switch. If anything goes slightly wrong, wave bye bye to your gp2x.

Power the unit through the proper channels, and it is smoothed, regulated, etc, etc, before it reaches critical components.

So, yes, it'll work, but you do it at your own risk. It could damage the 2x at any time.
Like many people are saying, it is possible, and (I BELIEVE) most EXT power will work... HOWEVER, theres just the chance of frying your gp2x <_<

Sooo, you decide :lol: