Gp2x On G@mers

It's not for me to comment as i don't work on the show and feel that it would be unfair to do so.

If the review of the console is kept in this weeks show, i would hope that it would be more what you are looking for.
The Mole, this is going to be a moot point but if you do manage to get them to change their mind, it be worthwhile getting them to contact Craig as he probably would like to follow up in who these two reps were in the studio as well as providing more accurate information.

Slight OT, but is it a UK or US show?
Slight OT, but is it a UK or US show?
I think it is UK. None of them had American accents.

And I do hope the review is much better, really I do, but just as they may have been offended by some of us pointing out the problems with their program, they weren't exactly very polite to us.
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Well i am willing to say that the producer did have Craig’s details, i know this as it was me who passed them on.

From what Craig said it sounded like they had contacted him, but he was to busy to do the show.

Yep its a UK show.

I know how loyal and passionate the members of the GP community are, you guys feel like you have been misrepresented by G@mers, but as i keep saying the team did think the information in the feature was correct. They would never knowingly let any false information be aired.

I think they feel that you are just taking a pop at them for misrepresentation, when they believed the information to be correct. When you have people shouting the odds at you its very hard to keep a balanced view and a level head.

The GP2X review was going to be aired Tuesday, however i am not sure if this is still the case. I will try and find out for you.

Well i am willing to say that the producer did have Craig’s details, i know this as it was me who passed them on.

From what Craig said it sounded like they had contacted him, but he was to busy to do the show.


But also like Craig mention he wasnt aware of who the 2 reps were, which aint good at all! That true Craig said he was asked but decline the offer. So dunno who went in place of Craig but they surely didnt know much about the thing. Maybe it the PR firm Craig mention he use sometime? Ahhh those damn marketing/pr firms sometime they can be really good but in some other case they can be pretty bad as they are usually non technical people try to promote technological stuff. And they will sprout some non sense that make look the thing they want to promote really bad.

Oh well we now a learn a lesson that it will be better if we want to promote the GP2X to make sure we send in some knowledable person. I just wish Craig could have went there, it will have make a big difference and everyone would be happier. Maybe we should start to clone Craig, so we can send him everywhere ;-).
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Well i did ask people on the board if anybody was willing to come in and talk about it but nobody came forward.
Well i am willing to say that the producer did have Craig’s details, i know this as it was me who passed them on.

From what Craig said it sounded like they had contacted him, but he was to busy to do the show.


But also like Craig mention he wasnt aware of who the 2 reps were, which aint good at all! That true Craig said he was asked but decline the offer. So dunno who went in place of Craig but they surely didnt know much about the thing. Maybe it the PR firm Craig mention he use sometime? Ahhh those damn marketing/pr firms sometime they can be really good but in some other case they can be pretty bad as they are usually non technical people try to promote technological stuff. And they will sprout some non sense that make look the thing they want to promote really bad.

Oh well we now a learn a lesson that it will be better if we want to promote the GP2X to make sure we send in some knowledable person. I just wish Craig could have went there, it will have make a big difference and everyone would be happier. Maybe we should start to clone Craig, so we can send him everywhere ;-).

Well you know anyone from the UK and is on these boards would be better than the n00bz they had there. It doesn't have to be Craig. Someone here that has had a unit for more than a month and is half awake could just go and make sure the facts are there.
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I dont like the site admin there, what a rude &$£!&
not very professional at all IMO, he should accept they made some errors instead of just making stupid, snide sarastic comments. :angry:
Do you work for the company behind the GP2x in the UK? No? Dindn't think so, otherwise you would know that we had the two people responsible for doing all the UK PR/ Marketing on the console in the studio checking what we were saying about the machine.

So what you're basically telling me is that the people marketing this console know nothing about it, in which case it will be forgotten about in five minutes and who cares.

No mention of USB host, damn what a shame, that would have made great television wouldn't it?

* Music and video playing abilities were basically summed up in a few words: "it plays music and video" - Your point is....

He writes like a ten year old ... not very admin-ish at all.
Urm he is not the site admin, i am...

He is the show producer.

As i keep saying the forum was given the chance of sending somebody but nobody would do it, so you can't say somebody from the forums would have been better as nobody could be arsed, so they would have ended up with nobody (and no feature).
As i keep saying the forum was given the chance of sending somebody but nobody would do it, so you can't say somebody from the forums would have been better as nobody could be arsed, so they would have ended up with nobody (and no feature).
When? I'm in the US so I guess it wouldn't affect me, but I don't remember anything about this . . . it should have made the front page . . .
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Urm he is not the site admin, i am...

He is the show producer.

As i keep saying the forum was given the chance of sending somebody but nobody would do it, so you can't say somebody from the forums would have been better as nobody could be arsed, so they would have ended up with nobody (and no feature).
Yes, show the thread where you made this offer. I can't believe no one would agree to do it.
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Being in the TV business as well (it's my first job), it all sounds very unprofessional for me.
I don't know anything that was going on behind the scenes, but someone certainly screwed up.

Either had it been the "two from gp2x" (whoever that might be - maybe someone from the marketing agency craig was talking about?) or the guys who did the show.

If the "two from gp2x" screwed up, nobody at the show is at fault - they believed everything the two told them, and why shouldn't they? So there was no need for further investigations.

If those two said "Umm, we don't know much, better ask around", then it's clearly the fault of the guys from the show.
Yeah your spot on there Evil Dragon. When you have two agency reps telling you things you don't question it, you just take it for the truth. I would have thought they would know product they are trying to market.
It depresses me how outsiders miss the concept of what the GP2X is and what it means.

Let's not kid ourselves, we all know what it means:
  • A complete lack of DRM
Complete is too strong a word as there is such a thing, but the idea is it's openess - the Operating System? Open. The programs you put on it? Open. The video formats it can handle? Many. What you do with it? Up to you.

Contrast this to the PSP and NDS, MP3 player, MP4 video player, or your average cell-phone (granted, vastly different purposes, but they're all "locked down") and you get a feel for what the GP2X is and what it means.
hmm . . . well, i guess they tried . . .

However, it doesn't seem to have been handled very smoothly. They don't seem to know who the two people they had over were (which sounds rather suspicious, you'd think they'd at least ask them their names or where they're from . . .). The Mole made an attempt to get someone to come, but it wasn't exactly clear and it probably should have made it to the front page (maybe it did, but I don't remember . . .). However, it doesn't sound like they tried very hard to get experts . . . why didn't they offer to pay for transportation for Craig to come down? I don't know much about the UK locations, but coming from the US it seems to be quite small (physically) so it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange transportation . . . what is normal transportation there, trains? (in the US trains aren't extremely common, from my experiences at least).

The Mole: Why weren't you the expert? You've been here for quite some time, you should have been able to figure things out.

On the other thread you said you can't have emulation for legal purposes? WTF? If you're extremely worried about the legality of it, play some LEGAL roms (yes, there are legal roms).

I hope the review is much better.
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The funny thing is i don't think i could have done the GP2X justice that is why i did not offer to do it. I still follow the community but don't have a GP2X yet i want to see how the XGP is going to turn out before i commit myself to either machine.

It is not upto me to put things up on this site, all i am entitled to do is post the topic and ask for help. As i have said i don't work on G@mers but try to help out where i can and the GP2X being featured may have been partly down to me pestering the producer to do a feature on it.

As for the roms comment, that was what i was told by the producer, they have very good ties with the big game developers and don't want to lose those by showing their content being played illegally.

I do agree that other stuff could have been shown though...

I am sure Rapture would have paid expenses for Craig but as i understood it he was busy (even he has said he was asked).
From what I understand of British law, this whole thing is very legally hazaardous. If the two people who went on the show are not being truthful about the abilities of 2X, that could be considered either false advertising OR slander if something is said to make the 2X seem less than what it is. These two reps should be tracked down and identified as soon as possible, so we can determine how much about the 2X they actually know.

If the show is aired as-is, not only would it be either defaming or possiblly false advertising the GP2X system, but GPH could have a pretty good lawsuit on their hands, especially if the producers of the show KNOW about the inaccuracies before the show aired.

I'm not a lawyer, but I suggest a new segment/interview with someone who actually knows what the hell they were talking about. The only other option is to let either Craig or Evildragon watch the interview in question to see how much damage would actually be done on all sides.
The funny thing is i don't think i could have done the GP2X justice that is why i did not offer to do it. I still follow the community but don't have a GP2X yet i want to see how the XGP is going to turn out before i commit myself to either machine.

Well you do know the specs of the XGP. It has a 16:9 screen and an analog stick with a Magiceyes 3D chip. This will be good for movies and 3D homebrew (don't expect much 3rd part support) but rather poor for emulation. Poor because of the analog control and aspect ratio, not speed. It depends what you want in a handheld actually as the XGp and GP2X are kind of good at different things. As far as the XGP it seems real similar to a PSP in what it is used for only not quite as powerful. You could actually know now pretty much what you want.
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