Gp2x F200


Jul 16, 2006
Hi there,

I've got a question for you all, a little bit of background on me: I have a GP2x F100 Mk2 since 1 year and a half and I'm REALY proud of it. It works like a charm and I not dislike but not like the joystick. I'm mostly a puzzle and shmup arcade player. So the joystick is not that bad. Do the d-pad of the F200 Worth the buying of a new one if my old one works like a charm.

Thanks for your review,

paxl13 said:
Hi there,

I've got a question for you all, a little bit of background on me: I have a GP2x F100 Mk2 since 1 year and a half and I'm REALY proud of it. It works like a charm and I not dislike but not like the joystick. I'm mostly a puzzle and shmup arcade player. So the joystick is not that bad. Do the d-pad of the F200 Worth the buying of a new one if my old one works like a charm.

Thanks for your review,

Well the screen is a little nicer on the F200. The sound is better, not only louder but it sounds "fuller" too (not as tinny). The pad is subjective. Some love it, some don't, that you would have to try for yourself.
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DaveC said:
Well the screen is a little nicer on the F200.
Which is weird, as it is the exact screen as used in the MK2.
I even repaired a broken F200 screen by replacing it with an MK2 screen (and keeping the touchscreen display in front of it).

So the only thing that can actually make it look better is the small foil used for the touchscreen :)
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EvilDragon said:
DaveC said:
Well the screen is a little nicer on the F200.
Which is weird, as it is the exact screen as used in the MK2.
I even repaired a broken F200 screen by replacing it with an MK2 screen (and keeping the touchscreen display in front of it).

So the only thing that can actually make it look better is the small foil used for the touchscreen :)

It may be the way it is driven in the hardware. If the voltage bias is changed a bit the viewing angle will be effected. I imagine they tweaked the LCD driver circuit a bit in the F200, changed a resistor etc. Probably a happy accident.
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As one of the seeming minority who actually liked the MK2's joystick, I have to say that I like the F-200's D-Pad just about the same (but in a different way). I never felt like the MK2's joystick was impeding me from performing accurate movements, but I must say that if you play fighting games at all, the special moves are MUCH easier to perform on the F-200's D-Pad. And I would also add that I find the D-Pad to be one of the more comfortable ones on ANY console/handheld I've ever used. Once again bringing up fighting games, I can play for long periods of time and I've never seen the hint of a blister form on my left thumb! :D

I don't know exactly how high you can overclock your MK2 (there are some people who could barely overclock their MK2's AT ALL without risking a freeze-up, and there are a few who could o.c. it pretty freakin' high), but in my case the F-200 was an improvement in the overclocking department (my F-200 goes up to 280, while my MK2 was pushing it at 250). And while there seems to be wide variance of how much you can overclock on the MK2, I know quite a few people (on this site, at least) who also can o.c. up to 280 on their F-200's (it must be more standardized, now).

And let's not forget the touchscreen itself. While there's not a whole lot you can do with the touch screen YET, DJWillis' updates to the ScummVM interpreter allow for fun, accurate touch screen play on all those wonderful early 90's "point and click" adventures by LucasArts and a few other companies. Moreso than any other minor upgrades that the F-200 features, playing those games with a touch screen (which makes controlling movement and other commands in-game soooo smooth) is worth every penny of the F-200's cost (well, considering I sold my MK2 on eBay and made enough to cover the cost of purchasing the F-200 it's not like it was an extra expense anyway :lol: ).
EvilDragon said:
DaveC said:
Well the screen is a little nicer on the F200.
Which is weird, as it is the exact screen as used in the MK2.
I even repaired a broken F200 screen by replacing it with an MK2 screen (and keeping the touchscreen display in front of it).

So the only thing that can actually make it look better is the small foil used for the touchscreen :)

So, would it be possible then to mod a F100 to have the touchscreen then as well? And if so, would someone be able to purchase this part? I don't know what all has been changed and how that would affect any possible mods, but I would be interested in a DIY F200 mod.
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DaveC said:
It may be the way it is driven in the hardware. If the voltage bias is changed a bit the viewing angle will be effected. I imagine they tweaked the LCD driver circuit a bit in the F200, changed a resistor etc. Probably a happy accident.
Dave, how does the C64 emulator Frodo look? On my F100 I have to tilt it to a ridiculous angle in order to read the light blue on blue startup screen. Is it better now?
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How is the GP2X F200 for someone who plans to mostly play just NES, SNES, and Genesis games (not much fighting besides Mortal Kombat)?
domdec314 said:
How is the GP2X F200 for someone who plans to mostly play just NES, SNES, and Genesis games (not much fighting besides Mortal Kombat)?
Are you asking about the GP2X in general, or a comparison between the F-100 and F-200? The GP2X can handle all three of those systems with no problems, with the exception of a handful of SNES games developed with specialized chips (Yoshi's Island and Super Mario RPG for instance). In those the case of those few games, the results are varied depending on what SNES emulator you use. Now, comparing the F-100 and F-200... well, they're pretty much the same when it comes to playing games from those systems. Of course, I can overclock my F-200 higher than my F-100 so that's a plus, but when it comes to playing 8 or 16 bit systems, I hardly ever have to overclock anyway.
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I'm trying to decide which GP2X I should buy. Whether I should save money and get the F100 or just go ahead with the new F200. I know they're both technically just about the same, I'm just trying to figure which is better for the type of games I play. I'd rather have a D-pad but there seems to be a lot of complaints about the F200. It seems that most of the people complaining already had an old GP2X and play a lot of fighting games. Since neither apply to me I'm thinking I might like the D-pad and I'm wondering if that makes the F200 worth it in price over the F100 for the games I play.
Ravnos said:
EvilDragon said:
DaveC said:
Well the screen is a little nicer on the F200.
Which is weird, as it is the exact screen as used in the MK2.

So, would it be possible then to mod a F100 to have the touchscreen then as well? And if so, would someone be able to purchase this part? I don't know what all has been changed and how that would affect any possible mods, but I would be interested in a DIY F200 mod.

Theoretically yes. Though that's one hard-to-do-mod.
First you need to get the touchscreen that's needed to put in front of the LCD.
Then you need to connect it to the correct four pins on the MMSP2+ (as the F100 doesn't have a touchscreen connector on the board).
Lastly, the LCD of the F100 is about 0,5cm below the case, which would make it pretty uncomfy using the touchscreen.
So I don't think it's worth it...
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saehn said:
DaveC said:
It may be the way it is driven in the hardware. If the voltage bias is changed a bit the viewing angle will be effected. I imagine they tweaked the LCD driver circuit a bit in the F200, changed a resistor etc. Probably a happy accident.
Dave, how does the C64 emulator Frodo look? On my F100 I have to tilt it to a ridiculous angle in order to read the light blue on blue startup screen. Is it better now?

Yes I can read it now without having to stand on my head :P The gamma curve seems to be better. It is subtle and it doesn't jump out at you but, you will notice things that were hard to read before like C64 etc.
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