Stuff Review Of F200


dwarf shortage
Dec 20, 2007
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A rather good review here on the stuff website:

GP2X F200 - the updated version of a bonkers Korean gaming handheld

Cons All the old games are stolen. All the new games are terrible. The OS is awful

:D Not quite sure what to make of this review. The Stuff team seem to have GPH sussed though :)
"Owning an F-200 says 'Pirate and proud'"!

I like it! Not that I illegally download anything, I own every game in it's original box.

Also, buttons non-responsive, hard to tell if you've pressed one? I find the buttons one of the positives myself, can't please everyone I suppose. Saying that, I've hardly used a PSP or DS so I may be talking out of my arse.

Nick 'Pirate' Lo Turco
Owning a F200 says, ‘Pirate and proud!’

Hmm.. oh well, there is some truth in it. (I'm guilty :P )

(On a side note, I do want to comment about commercial software sales of the PSP. It's quite terrible frankly; it really shows that people are using it for other things (multimedia, homebrew, pirated, etc...) or might even be collecting dust.)

A reasonably specced Linux multimedia touchscreen, but with no decent games bar pirated old-school ones

Cons All the old games are stolen. All the new games are terrible. The OS is awful

If you’re not into emulation there are mostly Korean ones – incomprehensible, shrieking puzzles that feel like they belong on phones. ‘Homebrew’ games are mostly grotesquely bad.

Not accurate at all. Pretty insulting I must say. Generalizing is a bad thing (for this case). <_<

Getting 10 hours’ play off 2 AA batteries is also halfway decent.

What were they playing to have this conclusion?

Well the "bonkers" part was indeed funny, and it does tackle some of the issues of the F-200, but the review needs work. :lol:

What were they playing to have this conclusion?

Sounds like the usual:

- read crap research
- glanced through the forums recently
- wouldn't have heard of linux, even if Holly Valance had a picture of herself, on a lads mag/tabloid newspaper, squeezing the OS out of her butt cheeks!
- and the obvious "never played the system"!

Now scrub the decks you swashbuckling sad excuses for Linus followers!! :P
the review seemed pretty fair to me,
the OS is terrible.
installing games is as easy as drag and drop.
lots of games, but without "pirated" games its pretty bland.

they do mention its "mostly" korean games which i assume they mean official games, the battery life is bollocks, they dont mention the dpad, but mention buttons are unresponsive ??? is that menu lag?
Yeah, I reckon it is mostly fair too. This bit pisses me off though ---- QUOTE
‘Homebrew’ games are mostly grotesquely bad.

A unintelligent review from a dumbed-down magazine, just like 99.9% of magazine reviews. People get paid to write this crap, too, that's what's sad.
‘Homebrew’ games are mostly grotesquely bad.

Hehehe they probably played my game, but anyway how rude!

so don’t expect to start seeing PSP or DS games on it yet. But keep watching…

Well if they did search the forums they obviously didnt read them... :P
Goity said:
This review is badly researched. All the games dodgy and korean... lol.

I agree. The reviewer deserves to be flamed from all angles...
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All the new games are terrible. The OS is awful


the OS is so ugly it looks like a homemade website from 1995


‘Homebrew’ games are mostly grotesquely bad.

This is what happens when you give something nice to a monkey I suppose :)
The guy is a doofus. The OS is ugly, but someone may improve it? Um THEY DID! It is called Gmenu2X. RESEARCH before you write a "review" ugh.
What a terrible review. I doubt he cares. He probably has to write a review a day. That's a day to research something that he is obviously not interested in.

What's odd is that half of it was outright lies. Unresponsive buttons? wth?

If someone write an email to this dolt explaining all the errors and they get a responce, could you please post it here?
DaveC said:
The guy is a doofus. The OS is ugly, but someone may improve it? Um THEY DID! It is called Gmenu2X. RESEARCH before you write a "review" ugh.
And you have the same complete lack of understanding as the reviewer. The OS is linux, gp2xmenu and gmenu2x are applications.
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NickLoTurco said:
Not that I illegally download anything, I own every game in it's original box.
But even if you own the actual cartridges of console-stuff you emulate (I own most of the games I play too).. it's still illegal to play downloaded roms.. (not that I give a shit)
Doesn't count for PC games of course

As for the review, it's really bad, they talk like there are two choices: incomprehensible korean homebrew, or playing old stuff illegaly..
And they didn't mention the most important thing that makes this device so awesome.. the community
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I like how they emphasize on "old" games because you should play new games all the time because it's what's "hot" and "cool" or otherwise you're some kind of "nerd" (meant to be offensive in their case) which is a fucking trend, most reviews of any kind for any type of media are bullshit (I said most not all) specially when they are done by some magazine or some other website, they are all based in the industry.

I play all games, I don't care if they were released today or 40 years ago if they are still fun, and still take me away from the real world for a while, good games don't have an expiration date if you catch my drift.

Another thing I think is that having a portable emulator is just awesome, you have all the video game consoles, computers and arcade machines in one system with the same controller layout so it's awesome. For me is like carrying my modded Xbox but without actually having to carry it.