Gp2x-cap32: Amstrad Cpc Emulator For Gp2x V1.3.3 *ultimate*


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Here is the final version of GP2X-CAP32 the CPC emulator for GP2X.

For those who haven't seen previous versions, Caprice32 is one of
the best emulator of the Amstrad CPC home computer series running
on Windows and Unix, written by Ulrich Doewich.
This emulator faithfully imitates the CPC464, CPC664, and CPC6128 models

What's new in version 1.3.3 :

- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation, frame rate is now 50 fps at
220Mhz in many games. Main modifications :
. Z-80 part as been rewritten using several hints such as explicit jump tables for instructions decode
. CRT and sound part has been a bit optimized
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
(useful for games such as defend or die !)
- Add new hotkeys to setup auto fire speed
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- New "Command" feature in the emulator menu:
. You have now to choose the command you want to run using arrows.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Remove dead code (such as printer, breakpoint, trace support etc ...)

How to use it ? Everything is in the README file.

This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.

You can download it on my blog :

Special thanks to KaosOverride, Noldor & Notaz,


Wow! Thank you!!!

I downloaded yesterday the previous version and I have seen impovements in speed. Finally, with Ultra rendering mode I can get 50fps. And this one is more optimized, so it will be even faster. I can finally play CPC and watch CPC demos with proper sound and speed!!! (And the disk explorer/runner rules, finally I don't have to write commands in basic slowly to run something)
Optimus said:
Wow! Thank you!!!

I downloaded yesterday the previous version and I have seen impovements in speed. Finally, with Ultra rendering mode I can get 50fps. And this one is more optimized, so it will be even faster. I can finally play CPC and watch CPC demos with proper sound and speed!!! (And the disk explorer/runner rules, finally I don't have to write commands in basic slowly to run something)
ULtra rendering is the easiest to emulate ;) In previous versions i get 50 fps in Ultra mode, the fast and normal mode are the more difficult to run fullspeed, in fact Rainbow islands at 270 in this 1.3.3 versions is not running at 50 fps still.I get 43 or so.

For me this release is same speed that 1.3.1

The only diferrence i have found is that fps counter is not as stable like before, in some games i can see the counter going for 50 to 54 fps for instance.Maybe a bug?

And a doubt i have, are there some games running at 60 fps in original CPC O_o ? In this last release i get 60-64 fps in Stormlord II:Deliverance. Can be a bug?

A doubt i have for a long time ago: what is te difference between the 3 render modes?

Thank you very much for you work in this emulator Zx-81 :)

For me the emulator is fullspeed a lot of versions ago, i always use ultra mode because i cannot see the difference betwen this ultra mode and the others (slower) modes.
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The speed limiter seems to be buggy. If the fps is too high then just decrease the speed limiter value (but don't take the value as absolute value, since it's not accurate).

In ultra mode only half a screen is computed at a time, that's why it's so fast. In fast mode, there is no intermediate video buffer, all pixels are written diretcly in the gp2x video memory.

In normal mode, i use an intermediate buffer and then copy it to gp2x video memory.
Thanks for the answers :)

So the normal mode is the more acuraccy, is not it?
Really great work. Most of game and demo run fullframe rate with ultra rendering !!!
Thanks. I can watch my demos. It's wonderfull :)

But why using a buffer (page flipping) run the emulator so slow ?
It's not possible to use the second processor (940) for doing this job ?
(maybe emulate the whole CRTC with ?)

Yes, when I say ultra rendering I don't say that it's the best rendering. I know that fast and normal are more compatible (I think some demos are displayed right only in normal rendering) but the frame rate drops at 40. But most things with the ultra rendering mode (which works fine with some demos and most games) are fast enough even though the speed sometimes is faster than 50fps but it's good enough now.