Gp2x Australia Community


Still Fresh
May 22, 2006
I'd have to admit that I think is definately the No1 site for GP2X community but do any Aussies think it's worth putting together an Australian GP2X Community portal??

I'm happy to host the site but I think maintainence will be the hard part. Also any suggestions of the site content?

My first thoughts were:

- Forums / members
- Guides / Tutorials
- Australian Developers Showcase

I just thought I throw the idea out there.....

cheers DOUG
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I am not an Aussie, but what would it add to the GP2X community? It's not a language barrier you' ll have to cross.
To be honest, I prefer to look at as few web sites as possible in my life, so I probably wouldn't visit another GP2X site regularly.

Having said that, the site could be a good idea for Aussie GP2Xers who want to get together now and then.
I don't think there are enough of us to warrant our own online forum.

If Aussies want to find other nearby Aussies with GP2X's then they can probably use this forum. Do I recall a Frappr map being set up for the community? I've always wondered if there are other Tasmanian GP2X owners.
Once you sort out the wheat from the chaff on this site, you're left with not a lot of interesting threads, especially for developers who have no interest in the whole pirate-centric emulation business ("we won't tell you where to get ROMs from, because that's illegal, but we love discussing the use of them"). So having yet another site would probably not add much value to the GP2X scene. It would just add more chaff to the already short supply of wheat.
gaterooze posted on Dec 7 2006 at 11:44 AM said:
To be honest, I prefer to look at as few web sites as possible in my life, so I probably wouldn't visit another GP2X site regularly.

I'd have to agree with gaterooze...

I guess the vote is a no for the moment, thanks for all your input.

cheers DOUG
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I think one place for all english speaking gp2x users (gp32x) is the only way to go.

edit: I am from Australia btw...
Iorgy77 posted on Dec 7 2006 at 10:09 PM said:
Same opinion here, go ahead and organise some Australian events by all means... so long as they are in Melbourne... ;)

Here here! :)

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Melbourne? Pffft~ You're all going to end up moving to Queensland anyway, so you might as well get some practice and come to Brisbane. :P

I don't personally think a new website would be beneficial (as I think we've established already), but what about something like a mailing list or similar?