Gp2x, 165 Euro, Including Vat. + P&p.

yeah is cheap too...

but is the best way to buy it if you're living in germany. There are some reasons why ed cant be cheaper which he explained on (in german ;) )
Rob posted on Sep 15 2005 at 10:15 AM said:
Will Evildragon ship only to Germany or he has changed his mind and will ship worldwide?

Most probably only to Germany. There are other shops selling the gp2x worldwide for nearly the same price.
The shop is mostly for all the Germans out there who want the gp2x with support and 2 years warranty :)

The shop will open sometimes this weekend, then the preordering can begin :)
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If I had a shop in Germany I would at least sell to all of EU, after all that should be quite simple to deal with. However, as a swedish customer I much rather deal with an english store or I may end up with someone not understanding what I'm saying. Countires like France and Germany have quite large population and they don't push as much on english as we do in Sweden (learning from grade 1) so it's probably a good idea to have stores who deals in those languages. I think there are like 5 major languages within EU.
greven posted on Sep 15 2005 at 06:21 AM said:
19.6% in france, fast food are at 5.5 but the "standart" restaurent are at 19.6 o_O

In Sweden, if you buy the food at a store it's 12% but if you buy it from a resturant etc it's 25%.

Holy crap, that's INSANE. Damn... You guys are totally fleeced just to eat. :o
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For once I actually feel lucky to be living in america. In North Carolina groceries have 2% sales tax and everything else is 8%(I think). Now anything mail-order within america has no tax.
Digital Awakening posted on Sep 15 2005 at 05:25 PM said:
Having no tax doesn't exacly mean it's better. Those taxes are there to make the life better for everyone. For example we don't pay to study at college or university. Actually we get paid for doing that instead.

oh GOD, That's the dream of every single spanish student. I really can't believe you are paid. I've always wanted to go to the north, either to Finald or Sweden, but I want to learn the local language and it is just too hard.

I love the people though, everyone looks so "pretty" lol >.>

And you are completely right. In the US, if you don't have the money needed to pay a decent health insurance and you get a serious illness, you can consider yourself dead. So yeah, the xbox360 will cost 399? instead of 399$, but at least part of the money goes for something good.

In Hardcore Gamer the price was fixed long ago, and it will cost 165? even after the last price rise. It doesnt ship outside Spain and Portugal so i think it's fair.
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yeah, we have the NHS in the uk which is free medical, but we have to pay ridiculous amounts for college and uni.