Evildragons Gp2x Shop, Opens Today, Gp2x 165euro !

Well, if your are SURE you want a gp2x, you can preorder it until October 17th and get it for the special price.

There's no guarantee you get one from the first batch, if you don't pay before October 12th, however, the Preorder price is valid (even if you pay sometimes in November, for example).

But: The unit won't be shipped until the money has been paid :)
Well, damn, Lik-Sang carries the thing also... At 161€ with P&P. I am tempted... However, I'm wondering if european supplier might hasten the solving of problems, like replacing warranty units and such...
OrR posted on Sep 30 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
I guess you can't be absolutely sure that the first batch will last until Oct. 12th?

Well, it SHOULD last :)
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What about 'shipping' to the Netherlands? I assume you will do this for little extra? And what payment options will I have?
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Shipping to Netherlands is 12.15 Euro, you can pay via PayPal (or credit card via PayPal) and Bank Transfer.
Say, I noticed in the shop, that shipping is free of charge(!) for the whole of europe, from 200€ onwards...

Now, I'm wondering, if I can alter my pre-order, 165 plus postage, to also include an SD card? Thus upping the order to 224.99, and, perhaps, a free postage? :)
Was that offer there before though? I think it was added recently after the preorder price ended. But I could be wrong and it wouldn't be bad you could use it :)

Why oh why didn't I order before...I'll get my pay check this week but now I'm even more unsure if I should wait for people's first impression or not :(